Preference 10- You play a stupid game together, what happens?

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You play a stupid game together, what happens?

Harry -

It's a rainy Saturday afternoon at your and Harry's flat. The two of you are lazing about the living room and you are reading a 17 magazine that you got earlier in the month. You come across a Mad Libs. Harry is lying with his head on your lap and his eyes closed. You gently nudge his shoulder to see if he is awake. "Mmmmm" he groans, eyes closed. "Harry, give me a noun." You say, grabbing a pen from the table beside you. "Boobies" he answers, eyes still shut. You smack his forehead lightly but write it down anyway. "Okay, verb" "Jiggled" he says, smiling. "Adjective?" "Ummmm, slimy" He opens one eye and looks at you. You start to read the sentence "One day, Harry Styles from One Directions was walking down the street wearing his brand new boobies. His hair jiggled in the wind as he flashed a slimy smile to fans." You look down at him to see a look of shock on his face. "I don't think I like Mad Libs." He says, closing his eyes again. You smile and run your fingers through his hair until he falls asleep, you do the same soon after. Libs (Mad Libs (from ad lib, a spontaneous improvisation) is a phrasal template word game where one player prompts another for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, usually with funny results.)

Louis -

You are on tour with One Direction! Since you were dating Louis and had the summer off from school Louis had invited you along. Right now you were sitting in the tour bus somewhere near New York. Liam was asleep, Niall was on his laptop, Zayn was writing some song lyrics and Harry was reading. You and Louis were sitting on the couch looking out the window "Y/n, let's play hangman" Louis says, pulling a piece of paper from his notepad and grabbing a pen. You nod, "Me first." Louis says, drawing the hanging post. "A?" You ask, settling in beside him "Nope" He says, drawing a head. "S?" He draws a body. "E?" Arm. "I?" Other arm. "Y?" Leg. "O?" Other leg. Louis laughs and fills in the letters. The word is Zquftjk. You stare at the paper for a moment before looking at him. "Louis, that's not a word." You protest. This sends him into a fit of laughter. "I know, but I still won." You slap his shoulder and pout. He keeps teasing you all day about how he 'won' at hangman.

Liam -

You and Liam were camping together. And by camping that means sleeping on the porch in the backyard. You had played a bunch of dumb games but now you were playing two truths and a lie. It was his turn. "Okay, I hate peanut butter, I love you, and my favourite number is 9." He says. You ponder this awhile, you knew one of the truths but now that you were thinking about it, you had never seen Liam eat peanut butter. You were lying beside him on a giant mattress that you two had dragged out back, you were under some blankets and his arm was around you. "Okay, I'm gonna guess your lie was that you hate peanut butter." You ask, looking up at him. "We have a winner." Liam says gleefully. He kisses your cheek and looks up at the stars. A few minutes of silence later he says "Y/n, your turn." When you don't answer he looks down to see you asleep, cuddled up against him. "Night, love." He whispers, kissing your hair and shutting his eyes.

Niall -

"Y/n, WHAT IS MASH?" Niall yells from the other side of the house. You walk over to the bedroom to see him reading these situations that tumblr girls had come up with using MASH. You explain the rules of the game. "Let's play, let's play, let's play." He begs, gathering up a notepad, a pen, and pushing you into bed beside him. You write out the criteria and start to write lines. "Stop." Niall says, the number is 7. You go through and eliminate options before you get to the final result. You are laughing at his answers but compose yourself long enough to read it to him. "Niall, you are married to Betty White, you live in a house, your job is a garbage man, you have 100000 kids, you drive a Mercedes bens, and you have a pet hippo." You say. When you look at Niall you see him laughing his head off too. "That is too funny, how had I not heard of this game?" The two of you spend the next house playing MASH in bed.

Zayn -

You are sitting in the back of the car with Zayn. You and the boys were headed to a beach that was a few hours away. Suddenly Zayn shoves a piece of paper onto your lap. You see a three by three square grid on the paper. "Tic tac toe, I'm x" he says, handing you the pen. You play until it's a draw at the end, neither of you won. You are about to start a new grid when Zayn draws a crooked line that connects three of his x's together. "I won, y/n" He says proudly. With that you garb the pen and connect all of your o's. "No Zayn, I think I did." You say with a wink. He smiles and draws a new grid only after kissing you quickly to avoid wolf whistles.


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