Preference 47- he reads a story you your child

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You Catch Him Reading Your Child A Bedtime Story.


You heard laughter coming from your child's room, being curious you walk over and took a little peek inside.

"Daddy!" Tommy giggled in Louis' lap, "Actually read the story!" he smiled up at Louis.

Louis smiled looking down at your four year old, "I am reading the story!".

"Then how come in every book Jimmy always pro-pro.. pro.. that thing then?" your son said having trouble saying protest.

"How come Jimmy always protest?" Louis asked,

"Yeah." Tommy responded.

"Well I don't know, ask the author." Louis replied smirking at your child.

"But dad!"


Your daughter jumped in your husband's lap as he was reading. Zayn laughed as he continued reading

"Froggy's Baby Sister.". Leah looked up at Zayn,

"I want to read, please." she smiled up at Zayn. He smiled and handed her the book,

"Froggy jumped up and hit his head on the table." your 5 year old started laughing so hard.

"Daddy he hit his head!" she laughed making Zayn laugh also.

"He's a silly froggy." she smiled.

"And your a silly girl." Zayn said kissing her nose.


You saw Seth and Brandon both on Liam's lap. They were reading 'The Foot Book'.

"I have quick feet." Seth says, "Brandon has slow feet!" Seth laughed.

"I might have slow feet but you have pig feet!" Brandon yelled.

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!" your two 4 year old yell.

"Okay boys calm down. Brandon, Seth doesn't have pig feet."

"Told yah." Seth said.

"And Seth Brandon is just as fast as you." Liam said.

"HA." Brandon yelled. Just then your dog came in,

"And at least you guys don't have furry feet." Liam says. All three boys start laughing.

"But furry feet would be cool!" Seth yells. Making Liam laugh harder.

"You silly lads." Liam smiled kissing them both on top of the head.


Niall was reading your child 'The Berenstain Bears' Home Sweet Tree.'. Lucas was listening very closely.

"Why don't we live in a tree." the little 3 year old asked.

"Because we aren't bears." Niall chuckled a little bit. Your son then pointed at the picture of cookies in the book,

"I want to live in a tree though. The cookies are there." he said with his little blue eyes.

"Well we have cookies in the kitchen. You want some?" Niall asked your son. Lucas's eyes lit up,

"Cookies!" he yelled jumping off of Niall's lap and running towards the stairs. Niall just laughed getting up from his chair,

"Like father like son."


Your daughter Darcy picked a book from her little bookshelf and gave it to Harry.

"Read." the little 18 month old said. Harry just laughed and nodded as he started to read one of the Little Critter books, 'Baby Sister Says No'. Harry would read and every time the word 'No' came up Darcy always screamed it.

"Then Mama said, "NAP!" but my sister said-"

"NO!" Darcy yelled giggling. Harry smiled and finished the book.

"Well looks like it's your bed time he said picking her up and placing her in her crib.

"NO!" Darcy yelled. Harry chuckled and picked her back up,

"Yes." he said starting into her eyes that were exactly like his.

"NO!" she yelled again. He just laughed again and started taking her to your guys' room.

"Looks like someone is sleeping with us again babe!" Harry yelled chuckling.

"YES!" Darcy said.

AN: this one is so cute. Comment your favourite.



Pretty please


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