Chapter 45

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Johnnie's POV:

I sit in front of Damon and sigh.

"What's wrong? " Damon asks and moves over next to me. He puts his arm around me. Damon has been one of my best friends since I can remember, besides Bryan of course. But Bryan never comforted me like Damon has and does. Damon knows exactly what to do and say to comfort me. He knows me better than me.  The only person that can comfort me more and knows me better than anyone else is Kyle.

I lay my head on his shoulder and let a tear slip. "Everything is just going wrong in my life."

He move to where he can get a better look at me and wipes my tears away. "What do you mean?"

"It's just that. I've been being ignored the past few days and I thought I did something wrong. Then it turns out both Bryan and Kyle were hiding that Kyle and Jordan kissed. I just don't know what to do or to say anymore. I think I'm overreacting, but I just don't know what to do anymore." I say honestly and put my head in my hands with a sigh.

"I think you should just take a day to get away from everything. Just to relax and let loose. To get things off your mind." Damon says.

I look up at him. "I guess you're right. "

"Hey tomorrow we have a free day. Let's have a me and you day just to hang out. Eat some pizza, explore, and just do whatever.  Of course we'd have to go to Starbies and probably go to the mall. But only if you're up for it." Damon said.

"Yeah,  sure. It'll be good for me. Let's do it." I say with a slight smile and with that we get our food and eat.


Double update woo hoo.

So I will probably be ending this book soon.

Comment if I should do a sequel or not.

Vote, Comment, or Whatever.

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now