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It's raining and it's dark. My head is killing me.

"Looks like he got you good. Better get that bullet removed soon." Shina said giving me a thump on the back.

"Yeah," I said putting my hand to my temple where the bullet had entered and traced it to the back of my head where it had left. My vision went double and I stumbled toward the edge of the roof.

"Hey, you alright?" Jett asked, "Is your body dying?"

"Yeah, I better request a body transfer." I gasped in pain as the pain in my head got worse. I screamed and my thoughts scattered.

"Finna!" Shina yelled as I fell over the two foot safety wall.

The windows zoomed by as I fell faster and faster. The stars spun and the lights bellow are too bright. I curled up into a ball to block it out. My mind feels like it's changing and I feel all my training and programing slipping away.

I land on my feet and slowly stand up. My head still hurts but I don't feel it as much. There's about fifty cops pointing guns at me.

"Be careful! This is the one that was shot in the head." The man who appears to be the leader yelled.

The scene is hilarious and I start laughing. My legs don't feel steady and I can't stand up straight. "Die! Die! Die!" I screamed at them and ran straight into the first few and tore them apart with the knives hidden in my sleeves. I kill them so quickly they don't have a chance to fire their guns before I'm back up against the building.

Shina and Minx landed a few feet from me with their weapons drawn. "Get back you idiots! She's malfunctioning!" Jett yelled at the police.

"Finna, we've requested the transfer. You're malfunctioning and need to be repaired." Shina said trying to explain to me.

"Who cares? This way is much more fun. This is our race's true nature." My words slurred in some paces as I began to lose feeling in my arms and legs.

Red light flared inside my vision and my body went limp.

"The transfer has begun. It's going to be okay." Shina lowered her weapons, "We'll be seeing you soon."

"Wait, what color is the light?" Jett asked.

"Red," I choked.

"Deletion? Why?" Shina yelled running over to me.

"Virus," I whispered before everything disappeared.

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