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Chapter 14


            It's been three years since the first programmer attack and now after all this time they're finally back. Under Finna's rigorous training I can finally fight with them but I still use my surfboard rather than levitate. I just like having my feet on solid ground.

            "Showakusei scramble!" The general's voice blasted through the intercom.

            "Team asteroid move out!" Jett yelled and levitated himself into the air. Okay more accurately he picked himself up with his telekinesis. I followed the others and we were hundreds of feet in the air within moments.

            "Team star move out!" I called over my shoulder. During the first battle we'd managed to save thirty Showakusei from the system and have divided them into seven teams of five. Team asteroid, team star, team sun, team sky, team meteor and team night. Each team is chosen by ability. Team asteroid have strong telekinetic abilities. Team star have pyrokinesis powers that are affected by the nearest star's condition. Team sun has the ability to make people hallucinate. Team sky are the best at air combat and using my surf board technique and are way better at it. Team meteor have some ability to use small rocks as weapons similar to bullets. I shake to imagine what they'd do with a machine gun. Then last of all team night is a team entirely consisting of assassins or people with such abilities. Either way they're all scary.

            We all got into the air to face the oncoming army. This time they brought ten mother ships and the entire program fleet. Last time we didn't have time to finish the virus code but we will this time. Jett, Finna and Fennela hold still in the air and trace the code in glowing blue numbers in the air. Our job was to keep the others busy while they did their thing.

            The first wave came at us and I took out my first flash bomb and threw it. The flash would only momentarily blind the programs but it'd be enough to remove their spirit ribbons before they noticed.

            "Virus activate!" The three said at once and drew a fancy symbol in the air. I was distracted for just a moment but it was enough for a program to splinter my surfboard and send me falling through space. I look up and Jett is still drawing the sacred symbol with the other s and the rest are still too engaged in combat to save me. I focus my energy on slowing the fall but the difference is practically undetectable.

            I look down and see several buildings explode and more catch fire. The school has a hole where it used to be and the neighborhood where Prez and Greg live is on fire.

            "Help us!" I scream to whoever is listening.

            "Hold on young one, we are coming." An ancient sounding voice sounds in my mind.

            "Who are you?" I ask.

            "Why, I am the leader of my colony. We are the Showakusei." She replied, "We are coming young ones so please hang in there awhile longer."

            My eyes widened in surprise as I realized our people were coming to help us. Jett finished the virus code and saved me.

            "Go back to the base!" He ordered.

            "No, I want to help!"

            "Your powers aren't strong enough for combat! Your abilities lie elsewhere. You're a strategist so go act like one and draw up a battle plan!" He yelled flying away.

Flawed Programsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن