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Chapter 6


Back at base (a tent in the middle of the woods in other words) we were planning the next faze to the mission we lost Finna on. Our target escaped and we need to find her in the next two weeks. I'm back on Earth by my own insistence only. Apparently there's allot more wrong with my program than a virus and deleted memories. The virus had disabled a few lines of my programing that needed to be reactivated or else could go from something minor to something very serious.

"The plan is to find out where she is and corner her in this building or any building with no windows. We will then use this tazer to knock her out. Sound good?" Xim asked. He's better than most leader when compared because he at least asks what we think.

"Sure, sweet, simple and to the point." Shina replied.

"What's a tazer?" Asked the newest member of our group. He has brown hair and red eyes like the rest of us and is named Ging. He has these really big innocent looking eyes so it was hard to believe he became and attack program. He looks more like an infiltrator program.

"A little electrical device humans created to zap people. It an amazing device so I don't know why they don't issue them to us as a required weapon." Lynx grinned an showed off his two rows of sharpened teeth. The sharpened teeth are an usual feature in torturer programs.

"They don't issue them to everyone because of people like you who will use them to zap your team mates for the fun of tings. How many times have I found a bed of nails waiting for me after a long day?" Shina retorted.

"Which is also why we have only four tazers." Xim said handing them out. I held the gun and remember one time as Kiiro when they had first found me and tried to wake me up I had freaked out. I was about to break some random guy's arm off when somebody tazed me. They had to turn it up full volume in order to get me to snap out of it. I smiled at the memory as it is one of the few I have left.

"Jett," Shina said warningly. I put the tazer in my hidden weapon's secret hiding place and shooed the memory away.

I was to suppress and forget I had ever been called Kiiro, that I had ever made friends and that I had ever found a place to belong. It was no longer important and was to be discarded and forgotten to the past. It'll be easier when this mission is over to forget everything.

"Okay, get your weapons and move out." The others immediately gathered their weapons we keep stored in another tent. Mine are always with me so I just wait for them. Keeping your weapons with you at all times is part of an assassin's job description so It's not like I can be really picky.

I shake my hands a little and a set of claws fall out of my sleeve. It a piece of metal designed to fit over my fingers. They're hooked together unless I find it inconvenient and five inches long. I put them on so it at least looks like I'm doing something to get back to my old life as fast as possible.

"Move out!" Xim ordered. We started running then turned into orbs of light when we break our cells down to move at the speed of light and sometimes faster. I had a bit of trouble at first considering powers have been dormant for four years.

"You going to be alright?" Ging asked.

"I'm fine," I snipped at him. We don't get along well but he seems to think I don't warm well to strangers. It's not just that, and I really don't warm to strangers fast, but I also really don't like him.

"Okay," he wavered for a moment like he wanted to say more but my prickly barrier was telling him to get lost. He moved on ahead and I was the last one to land.

We then headed to the site of the last sighting of our target. She'd been living in a tent in a park for awhile until some teenagers found her and were convinced she needed to go to the hospital to get a gunshot wound treated. I wonder where she got it. Not us, we haven't been after her for four years. Probably startled a hunter when he was on the chase.

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