I Entrust You With

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Chapter 8

I Entrust You With

These people went out of their way to make me feel welcome on their planet and I was grateful for it. They had me sleep in Jett's room which was surprisingly empty. Since we're twins I knew all his clothes would fit me as well. The one off thing about the room his Jett's scent is off. He usually smells like an old attic where you find assassins hiding waiting to shot somebody. It smells like blood in here though.

The scent and weirdness of the room makes me uncomfortable so I sneak downstairs to sleep on the couch. When I sniff the air to cautiously though the smell of blood is everywhere. Doesn't look like Jett's been gone long enough for his scent to fade. That probably accounts for my weird dreams that night.

"How's he doing?" Asked my programmer to her assistant.

"Not well, he knows his name rhymes with Sett but he's still very confused. He's also putting his mind under great stress. I think he's trying to talk to Sett but with his mind pulling two ways he can't reach him unless Sett reaches first." She explained looking at her data chart.

"So even after all this time his program is still pulling away from the system. It's kind of sad, he can't be with his brother and he can't be where he truly wants to be." She said brushing Jett's bangs out of his closed eyes. He has an air mask over his face and his vitals displayed on the other screen were going too fast to unstable. In this state he'd be lucky to see next week.

"I've never seen a program resist the system. He must really care for Sett if he's willing to defy the system." The assistant said placing a wet clothe on his forehead.

"It's not exactly defiance. He saved Sett's life once by absorbing his brother's emotions. He went too far a did excessive damage to his program years ago. His connection to the system hasn't been very strong ever since and now that his brother's no longer part of the system there's nothing keeping him here." She told the assistant/

"If Sett's hearing this I wish he'd come get Jett. If Jett's going to make it he must be with Sett. A twin's connection goes deeper than the system. Only Sett can stop Jett from destroying his mind." The assistant whispered.

"It's likely he's here right now. Look, Jett's stabilized for now. Hurry Sett." My programmer turned around and looked at me.

I jumped awake to the sound of popping and something smelling good. I jump on the back of the couch that has its back to the kitchen and see Wyla's mother at the stove thing.

"Hi," I chirped.

She jumped and spun to look at me, "Well, aren't we an early riser. Did you sleep downstairs?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to sleep in Jett's room. Something about it gave me the creeps." I recalled the strong scent in there last night. "I know the last time I smelled him was nine years ago but I don't know how his scent has change so much."

"Oh, really? What does he smell like." She asked going back to the stove and flopping yellow things onto a plate along with some brownish strip things.

"He smells like-"

"Good morning mom," Wyla yawned coming downstairs. She looked at me and blinked a couple time, "I know your a program but you and your brother have this thing about being up at the crack of dawn don't you?"

Glad for the interruption I look at her blankly, "You went to bed earlier than I did and I'm still up sooner than you. I only require six hours of sleep every eighteen hours." I brag about my special skill which is unheard of on this planet.

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