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Chapter 11


I kept a mental check on Wyla to make sure she got to the bomb shelter as I flew up into the sky. I took out my communicator and flew along side one of the air force jets.

"Can you hear me?" I yelled into the communicator. The pilot spun around to look at me. "I am a friend. Do not shoot me!" I told him and headed back towards the mother ship. I blasted little pod things that got in the way out of the way of the jets.

I blasted full speed through the hole I'd made in the side. Once inside I used my powers to guide the missals inside and put them down carefully. When I had them all where I wanted them I jumped.

"The missals must be duds." a voice said through my communicator.

"Get out of the way!" I yelled into the speaker.

"Who is this?" A voice asked with authority. Probably a general.

"My name is Jett, I am a Showakusei. I've paced the missals at weak points of the ship. They're about to blow any second. Tell your men to move it!" I explained. The order was sent through for the jets to fly low. I then released my hold that was preventing the bombs from blowing up. The blast sent me rocketing even faster towards the ground and a piece of debris knocked me out momentarily.

"Jett!" Finna shook me awake. We're still falling so I must have only been out for a second.

"I'm all right!" I yelled over the wind. I spun around and landed on the ground so hard it made a small crater but I landed on my feet so it didn't matter.

"They're retreating!" Came through my communicator.

"Jett, are you still there?" The general's voice crackled through.

"Still here," I breathed in relief, "Looks like we won this battle."

"I want to meet you and your allies. Where are you?" His voice asked.

I looked around and saw a field with small burning spots, "Ahh, I don't know. Let me get back into the air." I nodded to Finna and we both levitated into the air. At about five hundred feet I spotted the air base as well as celebrating pilots. "Never mind, I see you." I answered.

A piece of debris that had fallen from the atmosphere then ran straight through Finna's leg. She screamed and started to fall. I caught her though and headed toward the air base.

"What happened?" The general's voice asked in alarm.

"A piece of debris has injured me partner. Medical treatment doesn't look like it's needed but a first aid kit would be nice." I tacked on seeing the wound was bleeding allot.

I used a telepathic signal to call Fennella and Wyla to the tarmac. I almost sent one to Sett when I remembered he couldn't hear me anymore. I've saved his program in my mind but it's only a temporary fix. He can't last long in there before his program starts to meld with mine.

I gently lowered Finna and set down to care for her. I used my telekinetic abilities along side hers to stop the bleeding. We then used the provided first aid kit to treat and bandage the injury.

"Your Jett?" Asked a man about five feet ten inches with a graying beard.

I nodded but remained on my guard. I didn't free myself from one system to be integrated into another one.

"We thank you for your help today. We would like to discuss why you helped us." He asked in a way that he obviously thought we were armatures and kids.

"Any strike we can make against the programmers works for us. After all isn't it the job of the free Showakusei to free the ones that are still enslaved?" I asked.

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