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Sorry for short chapter just now! Here's something to make it up to y'all:

Boyfriend for quite a while now and you just had sex for the first time! Woohoo! (I feel so weird writing this, like is this even healthy guys)

"So? When's the baby due?" F/N asked.

You choked on your sandwich as C/N almost spat out his drink. Gulping down your food with a big swig of water, you exclaimed: "Sorry- what?"

Your friends looked at you strangely.

"She was joking, weirdo." O/F/N said and you risked a glance at C/N, who also looked a bit helpless.

"Oh," you said awkwardly, "yes, uh, of course. Ha ha."

Faking a laugh never was your forté.

F/N's eyes widened. "You're pregnant, aren't you?!" she shrieked. Again, you choked on my food. C/N patted your back as he tried to stifle a chuckle. You glared at him before turning back to your friends. "Fuck, woman, will you please keep those things for yourself when I'm eating? No, I'm not pregnant, thank you very much."

"So why the reaction?" O/F/N chimed in, going against your prayers.

You sighed and looked at C/N. "We, uh, we- You know what, I'm not answering this. You're all clever enough to figure this one out by yourself."

F/N got even bigger as you realized she figured it out.

"Uh, F/N, you're eyeballs... They're doing the googly thing again." you said, pointing to her eyes.

"Oh... my... god! Ohmygod ohmygod!" she yelled. You cringed, knowing that she would scream it off the roofs in a few seconds.

Surprisingly, she did't and instead took your hand, pulling you away from C'/N.

I sent him an apologizing look, but he just winked.

Oh my.

I think I might swoon.

Finally, F/N stopped ripping my arm off and she whisper-screamed excitedly:

"Holy shit you guys had-"

Crush x Reader (Boyfriend Imagines)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz