Suit-up Day

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Background: It's Suit-Up day at your school, which means that everyone has to go to school in a suit or a dress. Your first problem is the fact that your crush looks very, very good in suits -- but then your ex/enemy goes ballistic on you. (Your ex/enemy is in love with you, to make it extra dramatic) 

Sighing, you closed your locker, leaning against the cold steel for a while. You could already see his shoes.

It was Suit-up Day at your school and you happened to have the biggest crush on a guy who looks smokin' in suits.


You mustered up some courage and walked towards the end of the hall - only to turn around almost immediately when you got a good look at C/N. 

Nope. It's impossible. 
It should be illegal to look that good in a suit. 

Hoping he hadn't seen you, you tried again. If you didn't walk past him, you couldn't get to class.

Acting completely normal yet unnoticeable, you sneaked past him. 

"Hey Y/N." You heard and froze, dropping your head in defeat. Turning around, you plastered a fake smile on your face, but it soon turned less fake since you have the annoying habit to smile every time you see C/N and replied: "Hey C/N."

He looks so smoking hot in that suit. 

"What? Who?" he asked as I realized I'd said that out loud.
"Uh, that guy." you improvised, pointing at the first guy that came around the corner. 

Of course, it had to be a girl. you shot daggers at her, but then turned back to C/N. 

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he asked, "That's a girl and you're also a bit shaky." You laughed mentally. The poor guy has no idea he's the reason why you're shaky. 

You waved my hand in a dismissing way and spoke: "I'm fine. And may I say that you also look good in a suit?"

He smiled. "Thanks, I guess. You look very pretty too." You smiled at the perfect guy standing in front of you, before excusing yourself and rushing off to class.


"Oh, shut up! You're just an annoying prick, you are! Please, just leave me alone and go pester someone else, will you!"

"What's going on?" His all too familiar voice spoke as you glared at (Enemy or Ex's name = E/N). 
"Oh nothing, I'm just telling Y/N here that she looks ridiculous in that dress -- and not only in that dress." E/N spoke menacing. 

"And I'm just telling him  that he's an awful human being! Why'd you think I never fell in love with you!" Suddenly, E/N leaned in very close and whispered: 

"Because he was always standing in the way."

You punched him. 

Hitting him right in the jaw, you were pulled back before your elbow could make contact with his nose. Hissing at the pain in your hand,  you struggled to get out of the firm grip someone had on you.  
Realization then   hit you like you had hit Lars:  C/N was holding you. 

You blinked a couple of times and the anger returned. "Let me go!" you growled, but suddenly you were spun around and looking straight into C/E/C's eyes. 

"Y/N, it's okay." 

Those words would've meant nothing if someone else had said them, but as those words escaped C/N's lips you felt yourself calm down. 

Suddenly, you had to suppress the urge to cry. C/N felt this sudden change in my mood and wrapped his arms around you as you cried. 

You hadn't punched E/N because he was being a complete jerk, you had punched E/N because he had been a complete jerk to me for at least a year now. 

And this had just been the last straw. 

C/N carefully caressed your cheek, murmuring soft words in your ear you couldn't quite hear. He then softly pressed his forehead against yours and your breath hitched. 

Was he - 

Was he actually going to - ? 

Your thoughts were interrupted by his lips pressed against yours as the last bits of anger and sadness disappeared - together with the whole world, except you and C/N. 


I apologize for any mistakes -- I am only a bilingual girl who really doesn't know the difference between corporation and cooperation. 

  Feel free to message me or comment me if you have any ideas or if you just want something to happen between you and your crush!

 I'm working on a part two for "Oh my - fuck" kittyxstylinson ! 

I bid thee goodbye

-Stella Maris

Crush x Reader (Boyfriend Imagines)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz