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"Um, hi, I'm Avery Hotchner. My dad is-was Hotch's brother." I explain.

"If you don't mind, was? And I'm Derek Morgan by the way, just call me Morgan," the African American man--Morgan--said.

"My parents were murdered two days ago," I said bluntly, and my voice cracked, but I did not crumple. I scanned their faces for their reactions, trying to figure out if any of them besides Rossi had known my father.

JJ's face was a mixture of pity, sadness, and regret- she'd obviously met my father at least once, but she hadn't known him very well, as she didn't cry. Morgan's face was similar to JJ's, except he looked like he was reliving a painful memory. Perhaps he'd lost a parent. The little beanpole kid looked like maybe he'd have a similar reaction to JJ, but he appeared to have some form of social awkwardness, as he kind of just stood there and looked sad for me.

Rossi moved forwards and wrapped his arms around me, which I was only half expecting, so I made a little "oomph" sound before hugging him back.

The dark haired woman Uncle Hotch had been talking to earlier had a look on her face that was a little hard to read, but I kind of deciphered that she hadn't known my father, due to a lack of personal sadness, but she was obviously close to Hotch and felt bad for me. Before I could figure out any more, she was gone like a flash, up the stairs and into my uncle's office. There was a brief moment of conversation as Hotch stood up, and then she was around his desk and hugging him to her.

They must be very close, because the second she touched him, he started crying.

I turned back to the rest of the team, letting the two have their private moment. In true FBI fashion, they'd all removed the looks of shock and sadness, and simply looked pitiful.

I continued anyways. "Like I said, I'm Avery. My uncle offered me a spot on this team the day I turned eighteen, and I've decided to take it, so I dropped out of college even though I was already in senior year."

"Senior year? You can't be older than 19!" JJ exclaimed.

"Um, I'm eighteen actually. I don't like labels, but I guess you could say I'm a sort of genius." I said, and Morgan scoffed, and clapped Beanpole on the back.

"Well, if you're a genius, we'll just have to see if you match up to Boy Wonder here," he would have laughed if this wasn't such a Debbie Downer situation.

"Contrary to Morgan's belief," Beanpole said, "My name is not Boy Wonder, or Kid, or Pretty Boy. My name is Dr. Spencer Reid," Reid ducked out from under Morgan's hand.

"Nice to meet you," I said, not really sure how to reply to Morgan's hodgepodge of nicknames for the doctor that kind of reminded me of a pipecleaner with eyes.

JJ's phone rings, and she excuses herself as Rossi turns to me. "So Avery, how have you been?" he asked. "Well, you know, before two days ago." he tacks onto the end.

"Um, good," I say. "College was really easy, I could've graduated last year, but they wouldn't let me," I rolled my eyes.

"You know, Pretty Boy graduated when he was twelve," Morgan said. Reid rolled his eyes and mumbled what sounded like, "My name is Spencer Reid, learn it," but JJ rejoined the group before Morgan could say something in reply.

"Well, Avery, today's your lucky day. We're going to Kentucky! We'll brief on the jet, you got a ready bag?" she asked. I heft up the smallish leather duffel in my hand. "Ok then, wheels up in forty." she says, and the team splits.

Rossi mumbles a "I'll tell Hotch and Emily," and Morgan and Reid both said something about leaving their ready bags at home. Within seconds they are gone, and it is just me and JJ.

"Emily?" I inquire, although I figure it's the dark haired woman from earlier.

"Emily Prentiss, the lady in your uncle's office." JJ explains, and I nod. "How would you like to be introduced?" she asked.

I frown. "What do you mean?"

"Well, your last name is Hotchner, so would you prefer Junior Agent Hotchner, Avery, or Hotch?"

JJ is really very pretty. Her hair is only a little longer than her shoulders, and she has bangs, which suit her well. I could never pull them off, what with my long, dull brown hair and boring green eyes. The one thing I like about my hair is that it is wavy and never super frizzy. JJ isn't very tall, only 5'7" at the very most, but she towers over my tiny 5'2" stature.

"Um, I think Junior Agent Avery would be best, it's distinct from the rest of y'all," I decide. JJ nods, smiling slightly at the use of the word y'all.

She ghosts her hand over her stomach and I can't help but ask. "How old is your child?"

JJ startles at this, but doesn't inquire right away. "Um, Henry is nine months old. How did you...?"

"You touched your stomach when you smiled, like you associate being pregnant with happiness, or having a child with happiness, which means you probably have a kid or two," I explain, and she smiles.

"You know Avery, I think you'll be alright here,"

Aaaaaand chapter two is short as well. Great. Yay. Vote, comment, read, love, follow, whatever you feel like doing! Ok. Have a great night/day!

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