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Hey guys! Guess what? I really want to talk to you guys more, from the comments I've read, you are some of the nicest people I've ever met. So make sure you're following my twitter, which is leahkleinfeld. My Instagram is also leahkleinfeld. Follow me, please guys! I'd love to be able to communicate with y'all. Anyway, on with a super angsty chapter.

"Ms. Avery Hotchner, how nice of you to answer the phone." It's a man's voice, but it's far too deep and I immediately can tell that he's electronically changed it. I stick my head around the corner and back into the kitchen, and quickly wave JJ over, who was already looking at me, very concerned. She doesn't ask any questions, just waits as I put the phone on speaker.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask, and JJ crosses her arms, chewing on her lip as her eyes flicker back and forth between me and the cellphone in my hand.

There's a long, crazed laugh from the other end. "Oh, you know who I am already, darling. And it's not what I want, it's what I've done. To be frank, my dear, I'm the man that murdered your beloved parents. And you're next."

The phone line clicks, signaling that the call had ended. JJ stares at me, her face a mixture of fear and motherly anger, and it isn't hard for me to see that she's 100% ready to kick some ass.(AN: while I still have JJ working kind of as a media liaison, I really want to write her as a badass).

"What do we do know?" I ask JJ.

JJ shakes her head. "I, um, oh! I have a nanny cam in the vase behind us, audio and video. It loads onto my phone, we'll replay it for the team and see what they say." I nod.

I think JJ can tell that I am afraid, and places a hand on my arm. "Avery, it's going to be okay. We're going to catch this guy, and we sure as hell are not going to let him come anywhere near you. I promise you, we'll keep you safe." she smiles at me, and I can't help wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She laughs softly, hugging me just under my ribcage.

"Thank you, JJ." I whisper.

"C'mon, Avery. Let's go get this son of a bitch." JJ says as the hug breaks apart, and throws an arm around my shoulder. We walk back into the kitchen together, one powerful force.

"Guys, I need your attention." JJ calls once we're in earshot of the team. They all turn to face us, and they can sense the serious air as they immediately drop their smiles and put down forks, knives, and glasses. Once everyone is absolutely silent, JJ turns to me. "Avery, explain." I nod.

"Just a couple of minutes ago, I received a call. This call was from the man claiming to be responsible for the death of my parents." I am ready to continue, but Hotch gasps loudly, and everyone can sense even the mention of the event brings him pain. Emily puts her hand on his shoulder. Without even realizing it, he places his hand atop hers and strokes it. Everyone notices, but not a single person says anything because they are all too focused on the next words to come out of my mouth. "He made some not-so-veiled threats, and well... we have a recording of the call, I think it may be better if you just listen." I give JJ a look and she, without hesitation, presses play on the video she had already pulled and prepped to play from the precise time I step out into the hall.

The video begins to play. It's loud enough that they can hear, although I am secretly glad that JJ only plays audio for them, although she also has the visual component, because of the obvious fear on my face in the video.

My voice is the first to crackle through the phone's speaker, and since I was standing directly in front of the vase, his subsequent dialogue is still audible despite me not having put him on speaker yet. "Miss Avery Hotchner, how nice of you to answer the phone." Just barely there, but everyone hears, and the entire team gets even more angry at the sinister hint in his voice.

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