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The next few minutes pass in a blur. Reid shoves some of Izzie's things in a bag and I throw on a jacket over my button down white shirt, slipping into shoes as well.

I finish getting ready, tossing my phone, badge, and makeup bag in my purse while strapping on my gun holster. Reid runs across the hall to grab his things and we meet in the hall, Izzie in my arms.

In the lobby of the hotel we find Morgan, Rossi and JJ. Morgan smiles at me as Spencer and I approach. "Hey, Sherlock, how was the night with the little lady?" He asks, obviously stealing Emily's nickname for me.

"Izzie had a nightmare, but besides that it went pretty well," I explain. Sure I can predict the next question that's going to come my way, I speak once again. "Spence--I mean, Reid," I correct myself quickly, blushing. "Was nice enough to bring by pancakes for us, so yes, we've eaten," and Morgan shuts his mouth, the question dying on his lips, which now wear a smile. There are a few more minutes of quiet conversation before the elevator doors open behind Reid and I. We turn, only, to be greeted by Emily and Hotch walking out together, laughing.

I allow myself a small smile. I haven't seen my uncle get that little spark in his eyes since before Aunt Haley was killed. I can't help but think maybe there's something more than work between Emily and my uncle. I'm not nearly stupid enough to ask Hotch about it, but I'll be sure to check in with Emily and see what I can dig up, and maybe JJ, Garcia, and Morgan too. They certainly seem like gossipers.

I glance back at the rest of the team, and sure enough JJ and Morgan are sharing a knowing look of sorts.

Hotch and Emily are quick to lose the smiles when they notice us watching them, but their eyes are still twinkling with a lovely happiness. "Okay, we're first headed to the precinct," Hotch orders. "We'll find someone to watch our little buddy, and then we have to meet up with the officers and SWAT members that will be assisting, and we're planning to breach her location within the next forty-five minutes. There are ten plainclothes officers stationed around Annie's location, but even with the security detail we could still lose her, so we've gotta move,"

And off we go.


The ride to the precinct is fairly simple and fairly silent, besides Izzie and Morgan giggling as they watch Frozen together on his phone.

Once we arrive, it's anything but simple and silent. Phones are ringing, officers are darting back and forth, and there are so many people in the precinct that I can barely even see the serene little conference room from yesterday.

An officer leads us through the mess into a side hallway, and down to a room with a labeled door that reads TACTICAL OPS. I feel very NCIS as I follow Spencer inside, Izzie on my hip. A female officer pulls me aside, a stuffed koala in her arms.

"Hello, Junior Agent Avery, I'm Officer Kalakaua," she introduces herself. She's very pretty, with shoulder-length black fluffy locks, well-tanned skin, and deep brown eyes. "I've been instructed to look after little Miss Izzie here while you go catch the bad guys."

I bounce Izzie. "Hey, Izzie, is it okay if the nice lady watches you for a little bit? I'll be back before you know it." Izzie turns to face Officer Kalakaua, seeming to be sizing her up. There's a long moment of silence.

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