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Ok, so there's good news and bad news. The good news: this chapter is long-ish and the next three are action-packed. The bad news: I have six more chapters, including this one and an epilogue, and then Hotch's Niece is over. The current schedule looks like this: Lost(this chapter), Tortured, Found, Happy, Ever, After(epilogue). (see what I did with those last three chapters :)!). Anyways, enjoy the rest of this book!

"Think, Avery, you know this man. Not well, or he wouldn't need to clue you in as to who he is. He's probably a friend of a friend, someone you've spoken to only briefly but see quite often, he's always very nice to you, sometimes a little too nice. Not creepy enough that you'd want to say something, just enough to make you feel a little bit uncomfortable. Something about him ties in with roses... any small detail about his life." Derek says to me.

I shut my eyes and think, running through every man I could ever remember meeting.

After a moment, my eyes snap open.

"Hunter Jacobs." I turn to JJ for no particular reason at all. "It's Hunter Jacobs."

"How do you know?" Morgan asks. JJ glares at him. "Not that I don't believe her, we just need to be sure."

I shrug. "It's okay, JJ, Morgan's right. Hunter Jacobs is the brother of a friend of mine from NYU, Rose Jacobs. Their parents own a flower shop in downtown Manhattan. And I don't know... he was just really creepy. Rose stayed over in my dorm once, and when we woke up in the morning, Hunter was there. I don't know, I always thought he was weird, but maybe that was just the way he is, and nothing more. He's gotta be... 27 now?" I say. 

Morgan pulls out his phone and speed dials Garcia. As soon as the line clicks on, Morgan is speaking. "Hey, baby girl, it's Morgan. I need you to get as much information as you can on a man named Hunter Jacobs."

"Okay," crackles over the line. "I have 3 Hunter Jacobs, I need help." It's on speaker, so I take over for Morgan. 

"This guy grew up in Idaho and moved to New York City with his family when he was 11, he has a younger sister named Rose and he should be about 27 right now." I tell her and we hear a little bit more typing before she informs us she's got him. 

"Okay, great. Get all the information you possibly can and assemble a file, make copies for each of us. Morgan will stay here to help the crime techs process the scene, the rest of us are headed in to the office now." Hotch speaks up at this point. We all nod. 

We look a little bit like a ragtag team walking out, as Derek and Spencer are still in their pajamas and JJ and Emily are rocking some pretty incredible bedheads, but everybody has their ready bags in their car(well, JJ has hers in Hotch's), so that should be sorted out within minutes of reaching the office. 

Off we go, and despite my heart racing I nearly doze off on the short drive to the office. It's a little past 3 in the morning and my body wants to be asleep. 

As soon as we arrive, our little convoy of cars, we all rush in, and JJ, Emily and Spencer have their readybags in hand so they can sort out their clothes and stuff. Hotch and I leave ours in the car since we changed at the house.

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