2. The Emergency.

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In the last few weeks, the number of times Ryan has asked me a question is a large one. Coincidentally, the number of times I've wanted to punch him in his beautiful little face is also a large one. He can't ever ask and be kind of nice, he asks then slips in a jab about my profession. It almost feels like he does it to get a rise out of me, but I ignore the attempt and answer the damn questions. I do remind him every single day that without nurses, doctors couldn't do their jobs.

It's arranged that Ryan and I work on the same schedule, always together in that damn emergency room. I often times find myself staring at him, my eyes trailing his body, admiring him. He catches me sometimes and where I'd normally be embarrassed, I don't seem to care with him. I find it slightly odd that he doesn't seem to care either.

The emergency room is quiet, for once, and I'm hiding in the locker room, determined to relax for a bit. Some of my nurses are off to lunch, others making rounds and checking vitals, so my presence isn't necessary right now. Being around Ryan makes me all jittery all the time, my body nearly buzzing. So I've escaped from him, hiding out a bit in the back row of beds, the room still dark.

I feel my pager before I hear it and sit up, rubbing my face to wake myself up. All it says is "emergency" so I hurry, nearly running to the department. I come into what appears to be complete chaos. "Ben! Over here!" I hear being yelled at me. I look over to see Ryan standing over a patient bed, his arms flailing to get my attention. I move quickly, my shoes squeaking on the tile floor. I help him, taking his direction easily and starting the iv he requested and begin administering the medications another nurse has set out for me. This seems to be the only time he and I can get along.

We work for a few minutes, stabilizing the patient before moving to the next and working until it's been half an hour and the chaos has calmed, the patients are stable and we're waiting for radiology to come and do their thing. I move away from the bays and find a wall, leaning against it slightly. I look up to see Ryan mimicking my action across the hall, his eyes moving around my face. His mouth is slightly open and he's breathing heavy. The sight makes my cock stir a little.

I adjust myself and see his eyes follow the movement of my hand. He looks at me again, his eyes smiling. His tongue comes out and wets his lips while he continues to stare at me. He pushes from the wall and comes to stand in front of me. My heart rate picks up and I breathe heavier and I know he notices, how could he not?

"You did really good, thank you," he says before his hand grazes my semi hard cock and he walks away. I'm stunned. Not only did he compliment me, he touched me in an intimate way. I guess I've always assumed he was straight, just like I do every man until I have proof otherwise. I think I just got my proof.


Work keeps steady for the weekend, a few major emergencies requiring both Ryan and I, our working relationship going very smoothly. He yells at me, but I don't see it as him yelling at me, he's working and wants to do the best he can and his way of making sure I do the same is to yell. At first it had bothered me, but now I'm used to it I think. I almost think if he stopped, I would be confused.

I've noticed, since the day of the crotch graze as I like to call it, Ryan has been looking at me more often. I only notice because the already vast amount of times I would look at him has nearly quadrupled. His eyes often soften when he sees me, his mouth often turning up into a slight smile. I can't bring myself to smile back, almost shocked at his behavior.

Work has calmed down now, emergencies handled, all but one bay empty and they're simply waiting to be moved to an admitted bed. I'm sitting again in my little corner of the locker room, the lights off, my head resting against the wall behind the little bed. I hear someone come in and I pray it's not anyone who actually needs me. I'm literally about to drop over from exhaustion.

"Ben, are you in here?" I hear Ryan's voice and I realize I only call him Ryan in my head. "Yeah, Dr. Anders, I'm in here, all the way in the back." I hear his shoes on the carpet and close my eyes, waiting for him. "What are you doing back here?" He asks me, his body coming to rest next to mine so I can feel his thigh pressing to mine. I notice that he smells really, really good.

"I'm just relaxing. What are you doing back here?" I feel him shift slightly, my eyes still close. "I'm back here because I was looking for you." His hand comes to rest on my thigh and I can't keep my eyes closed anymore. I open them and turn to see him looking at me, his eyes moving from my eyes to my mouth and back. "Why were you looking for me?" I whisper, turning my face completely towards him.

"Because I wanted to do this," he says before moving his face closer to mine, closing the slight distance there had been between us. His lips touch mine softly, a mere brush against them before he presses harder, his lips firmly on mine. I sigh at the feeling, his hand tightening its hold on my thigh. I feel his tongue lick against my lips.

I lean back slightly, pulling him by his shirt to rest on top of me. I open my mouth for his tongue, mine tangling with his as it pushes into my mouth. I swallow his moan, my hands coming to rest on the side of his very trim waist. He pulls away slightly leaving kisses to my jaw, down and around my collar bone. I grab his wild hair and pull him back to my face, forcing my tongue into his mouth. He sucks it deeper, the feeling enough to make me moan and pull him closer to me. He pulls away and sighs, resting his forehead on mine. He opens his mouth to say something but our pagers interrupt him, both of them buzzing and beeping.

We stand and straighten ourselves and I see him watch me adjust myself, his hand moving to do the same for himself. He leans in and kisses me again, softly, before holding a hand out signaling he wants me to go first. Before we leave the room I turn, pulling him in for one more hard, fierce kiss then leave, out into the emergency room like nothing ever happened.

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