11. The Main Event.

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Reading the flyer, I already knew I didn't want to go. In the years that I've worked at this hospital, it's been amazing what excuses I could come up with to get out of the fundraising formal dance. I think my Great Aunt Louise in Albuquerque was having surgery and needed me one year. My cat, Chester, who actually died when I was twelve, needed around the clock care another year. I've done a good job of avoiding these.

"How are those things usually?" Ryan asks from behind me, startling me. I didn't hear him come up. "I don't know," I say turning to him, "I've never gone." His brows draw together in obvious confusion. "Haven't you worked here like five years or something?"

"Yes." He makes a face that tells me to keep talking. "Just never wanted to go, I guess. Always found a way out of it." He shakes his head and moves closer to me to let a cart pass behind him. He doesn't move away once the cart is gone.

"Well, baby, you're going this year. And, you're going with me. You're going to be my date!" I nearly choke. "Excuse me? That's not how you ask someone to a dance!" He smiles. "Fine, will you with me?" I instantly answer "no."

I start to walk away before he protests. "What the hell? What do you mean, no?" He pushes me against a nearby wall. "I meant what I said, no. I don't want to go. I'm sorry."

"Is it you don't want to go? Or do you not want to go with me?" I reach my hand and hook my pinky into the band of his scrubs. "Honey, it's not you. I've just never gone. Didn't have much fun at high school dances and don't really have good memories of them. So, I've always just chose not to go."

"I see. Well, were you ever offered a date as sexy as me? Because honestly, I doubt it." He smiles and reaches, pinching my cheek slightly. He looks sweet, hopeful I'll go with him. And it's then I realize something. He wants to go to an event with me. He knows and is perfectly okay with the idea that people will see us.

"You sure you want to go with me?" He looks confused at my question. "Why wouldn't I want to?" I move my eyes to his. "Because people will see us."

"Yes," he draws out. "I'm aware of that. That's the sole reason we're going to shop together so I can make sure we don't look a hot mess express when we walk up in there." I smile and lean into him. "Okay then, we'll go." He leans and kisses me quickly, not even looking around to make sure nobody saw. "Yes, it'll be fun, I promise."


"So are we supposed to dress to match each other or what?" I ask Ryan as we stalk through racks and racks of clothes. "We're supposed to complement each other, babe. Gosh, you're like the worst gay person ever. You know nothing of fashion," he adds, swiping a tie across my face. "Funny, asshole. I know how to dress myself, just not sure about the whole couple situation."

"Oh, is that what we are?" Ryan asks, ducking to look at a shirt. I panic. "Well, I mean, I just assumed since we were going together, but if that's not what you want, I guess I should have," but he cuts me off. "Ben, baby, relax. I'm just giving you a hard time. And I assumed too, us going together meant we were together, together."

I reach for him and pull him to me, kissing him softly on the mouth. "Sounds perfect," I whisper. We continue on shopping, deciding he'll wear a suit and I'll wear a nice shirt, slacks and suspenders. His suit will be black with a white shirt, black tie. Mine will be a white and black patterned shirt, black slacks and black suspenders. We should look pretty good, but I won't tell him that yet.


In the car on the way to the hotel where this shit show is happening, I am nearly hyperventilating. "Babe, what is wrong?" Ryan asks me, his hand on my thigh as he drives. "Why are you freaking out?"

"I was treated really badly at a dance once and I don't know, I'm panicking. I'm losing my shit. I'm sorry." He leans over, kissing me once at a light. "It's okay, it'll be okay. I'll be with you. What could go so wrong?"

"We could walk in and someone could trip me and I fall and rip my pants. We could go to dance and realize we can't dance well together. You could decide that being seen with me in public isn't something you actually want to do and leave me there. I don't know, those are just what instantly comes to mind."

We pull up to the valet before Ryan answers me. He turns to me before I can get out. "You're hilarious, you know that? We're together, like for real, and you're still worried I won't want to be seen with you? Well, I hope to be seen walking, talking, dancing and kissing with you tonight. So. Get. It. Together." He stresses the last words at me. He kisses me until I relax and we head in.

As we walk into the ballroom, Ryan grabs my hand. He smiles at me and we head in, stopping to say hi to a few people. Jackie walks up, smiling. "Well hello, boys! Glad to see you two together," she winks. She hugs Ryan and whispers something while I turn to look around. I easily realize everyone is staring at us.

"Ry," I say, pulling his hand. "I think we're the main event tonight. Everyone is looking at us." He pulls me closer, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Good, let them look." He turns my head and kisses me, sighing into my mouth. I feel myself relax as he pulls away, resting his head against my forehead.

We head off and dance, the looks becoming less and less as we go about our business. We dance and kiss, drinking cheap champagne and smiling. It's the most fun I've had, happy to be here with Ryan. "I'm so glad you came with me, baby," he whispers to me as we slow dance. "I'm happy too, Ry. Thanks for bringing me." He kisses me, his tongue pushing into mine. "You don't have to thank me. But, I got us a room. Want to get out of here?" I nod and follow him from the dancefloor.

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