9. The Big Deal.

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A few days later, I realized that what Ryan and I had done was both risky and very, very stupid. Anyone could have walked in on us and to be honest, someone could have and I wouldn't even have noticed. My vision was completely clouded to anything but Ryan. Nobody seemed to be acting strange to us so I was guessing nobody had noticed.

"Hey," I hear whispered behind me as a hand finds my waist. I already know who it is so I sink back, my weight resting against the solid body behind me. "Hi," I whisper back. He kisses my neck lightly then turns me, forcing my gaze up at him.

"So, I was wondering. Would you like to come to my place for dinner? We're off soon, praying there's no emergency, and we're off for two days. I was wondering if you'd come over for dinner and maybe just stay the night." He smirks at me at the end and I find it really hard not to lean up and kiss the smirk from his face. But, we're out in the open and anyone could see us.

"Are you offering to cook for me?" He smiles, leaning in closer. "It's the least I could do after you fucked me so good." I know I must blush, but I nod, smiling at him. "I would love to."

"Good, let me write down my address for you." He finds a small scrap of paper and quickly scribbles, his doctor handwriting almost impossible to read. Well, if you didn't have to read it every day. "I figure we're off at five, I can have dinner ready by seven. Does that work for you?" I just nod, taking the slip he holds out for me. "Good, can't wait to spend time with you."

He kisses me quickly before heading off and I watch his perfect ass as he walks. I can only hope I can get inside of it later.


Alright, I'll admit it. When Ryan first gave me this slip, I hadn't actually looked at it. Work stayed empty, barring one kid's broken leg, so we were able to leave on time. It was when I parked my car in front of my apartment that I realized he only lived four blocks from me. I think to that first dinner, with Chief, and how easily we could have shared that cab.

I had stopped on the way home to get some wine, grabbing the most expensive bottle I could find. I realized easily that I am nervous. Inside the hospital, Ryan and I have already had more drama than most couples, but this will be our first time outside of the hospital. Maybe we'll get together and have nothing to talk about. Maybe, we're figure out that sneak fucks in empty rooms is our thing and outside of that, we have nothing.

I take a quick shower and change, dressing in something nice yet casual. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. I dress in dark jeans and a simple white shirt. I grab a pair of clean socks and slip into my tennis shoes, the ones I don't use for work. I decide to walk over. One, it'll give me time to breathe fresh air and relax. And two, it'll be easier than trying to find parking.

The walk is quick, but my mind races the whole time. I double check the slip in my pocket to make sure I've come to the right place. There are steps up to a glass and dark wood door. I slowly take the steps then knock, my sweaty hands nearly dropping the wine.

"Ben!" I hear from the other side before it opens, showing Ryan looking fucking delicious. Like me, he's wearing jeans, lighter wash, but a dark tshirt. I notice his feet are bare and decide he has sexy feet. Ew, is that even a thing?

"Come in," he says, pulling me in for a kiss. He's gentle, leaving light kisses to my lips before I press forward, increasing the pressure. He pulls me closer, his hands on my waist before he pulls away leaning his forehead on mine. "I'm happy you're here. Come on."

"I brought this for us," I say, handing him the bottle of wine. "This looks perfect for dinner," he mumbles as he reads the label. He guides me to a breakfast bar area, directing me to sit. 'Have a seat, I am putting the finishing touches on dinner. Want some wine? I'll open it."

"Yes, please," I say, watching his muscular back as he opens the wine. He pours two glasses, sipping from one as he hands me the other. "This is delicious. Perfect choice, babe." I blush as he turns back around, fiddling with something on the stove.

"It smells heavenly in here, Ryan. What are you making?" He turns to me and winks, "it's a secret." He works for a few minutes but I can't handle the silence. "Guess what. You only live four blocks from me, I walked over tonight. I never knew we were this close to each other."

"Really? I didn't know either. I wish I had, I would have invited you over sooner." I smile. "It's okay, this time is perfect." He smiles at me and works to dish up food. When he brings it to me the smell makes my mouth water. "It's just some pasta primavera and oven roasted chicken. I wasn't sure what you would like, so I went with something pretty standard." If this is his standard, I'm going to be spoiled.

"It doesn't look standard, it looks and smells fucking delicious. Come here," I say, pulling his hand so he's close to me. I reach and pull his head down. "Thank you," I say quietly, kissing him once on the mouth. He smiles and moves to sit next to me. "You're welcome babe," he says, his hand coming to rest on my thigh.

We talk and eat for hours, drinking and giggling until we're settled on the sofa, his ass resting directly beside my thigh and his legs slung over mine. "Can we be serious for a second?" He asks me, his hand running through the hair nearest my neck. "Sure baby, what's up?"

"I just want you to know, I'm taking this seriously. I know I've mentioned I've never been with a man before so this is a big deal to me. But I really like you and I want you to know I'm in this, okay?" I smile and kiss him. "I understand. I know it has to be hard, to be with a man for the first time. But we can take this slow or whatever, anything you need. I'm not going anywhere."

"It's amazing how easy it was to be with you the first time," he smirks, leaning in to nibble on my bottom lip. He kisses me, his tongue pushing into my mouth as I move, wrapping my arms around him to pull him completely on top of me. He pulls away slightly.

"This is a big deal. You're a big deal. You're the biggest thing in my life right now. I just want to make sure you understand me." I nod. "I do, I get it. You're the biggest, best thing in my life right now. Maybe we can work it out and it can stay that way." I wink and he smiles, the biggest smile I've ever seen before he stands, holding a hand out to me. "Come on babe, we're going to bed." I stand and smack his ass, following him wherever he leads me.

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