Chapter 2 - The Visit

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Chapter 2 - The Visit

I woke up to a loud vibrating noise coming from my phone. Looking at my clock I groaned noticing it was only six in the morning, I turned over and grabbed my phone wondering who would be calling me when I still had more than an hour left to sleep before I needed to wake up for school. As soon as I saw 'UNKNOWN-585' on the front of the screen, I answered immediately.

"Jace!?" I questioned almost screaming into the phone.

"Yeah, it's me Willow." He said and just hearing his voice made me want to cry.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, we only have a minute though so I'll make this quick. You can come see me."

"WHAT? REALLY? WHEN!?" I asked and I heard him chuckle slightly at the obvious excitement and happiness that was present in my voice.

"You can come at seven, we won't get long to talk but at least I'll get to see you."

"Okay I'm coming, see you in an hour, I love you Jace."

"I love you t-" before he was able to finish his sentence the call cut off. Our minute was over.

I immediately went to get out of bed, but as I tried to stand up I got caught inside the comforter and incredibly ungracefully rolled off the side of the bed.

Huffing at my own klutziness, I picked myself up off the floor and looked down realizing I was still in my black dress from last night. I smiled remembering Slate and everything that happened last night. I had to remind myself that I'd probably never see Christian or Slate again. It took me less then a second to realize that the observation made my heart sink slightly. I sighed, forcing myself not to think about any of the boys from last night again and get ready for school since I'd have to go straight there after visiting Jace.

Pulling the comforter tighter around my body, I walked across the marble floors of my room towards my private bathroom. When I finally got into the bathroom, I slipped out of the comforter and stripped out of last nights dress before hopping into the shower quickly, and making sure to wash off all of my makeup from the night before. After the quick rinse I got out and wrapped my self in a towel before making my way to the mirror.

I stared at my reflection as I dried off, my sky blue eyes were bright in contrast with my waist length raven black hair and lightly tanned skin. Grabbing my tube of mascara I applied a generous coat to my already long top and bottom lashes. I then applied winged eye-liner on my eyelid, along with some pink lip chap. I kept my makeup relatively light. After drying my hair I let it fall down to my waist in it's natural waves.

When I was happy with my hair and makeup I headed back to my bedroom to get dressed. I put on my favourite pearl earrings, and then pulled on my favourite pair of high waisted black ripped skinny jeans and a black and white halter crop top. Lastly, I grabbed my white Jansport bag that was already filled with all my school supplies and picked up my cell phone before leaving my room.

"Good Morning." I yelled aloud as I exited my room and made my way to the huge marble staircase, that was accompanied by beautiful gold plated railings. I was greeted only with silence.

"Shocker." I muttered to myself as I walked down the last few steps, not at all surprised by the lack of response I had received. My family is a huge cliche, we're rich, we live in a mansion, and my parents are practically never home except for in the late evening so they can lecture me about getting good grades. Not that they even care if I'm smart, they just want me to get into an Ivy League school so they can show off my accomplishments to all their nosey and stuck up peers.

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