Chapter 4 - The Bad Boys

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Chapter 4 - The Bad Boys

"Who's idea was it to climb a ten foot f*cking fence?" Christian complained from beside me as he cut his hand for the third time on the sharp metal.

"It was yours genius." Slate responded and I could hear him laughing from below me.

"Yeah well I regret it now." Christian grumbled, as he made his way over the top of the fence before climbing down the other side and jumping onto the ground.

Just as I was nearing the top of the fence I felt a hand on my butt, causing me to squeal in surprise.

"What the hell Slate!?" I exclaimed turning my head to look down at him.

"Sorry, I was trying to make you go faster." He said and I could see the shadow of a grin on his face in the dim light of the half moon. Turning back I smiled before "accidentally" stepping on his hand. I heard him grunt in pain and immediately rushed to climb over the top of the fence, knowing he was probably going to be angry.

"Jump Willow! I'll catch you, it's your only chance to get away, he's gaining on you." Christian yelled from the ground over-dramatically but I did what he said assuming Slate got pretty scary when he was mad. Christian did as he promised and caught me by the waist. I immediately went and hid behind Christian so that his body was between mine and Slate's—who had just landed on the ground.

"Come out Willow, I won't hurt you..." Slate said but the tone of voice he was using, said differently.

"I think I'll just stay here actually, thank you." I called out pressing my body against Christian's back and giving an involuntary shiver as the cold wind blew against my bare arms.

"You cold?" Christian asked, moving aside as he noticed me shivering. Another gust of cold wind blew down over us but I shook my head no. 

Slate rolled his eyes at my response before taking off his jacket and wrapping it around me. I looked up at him and gave him a smile so bright I was sure it would blind him. "Thank you."

We all turned around and finally took in our surroundings. Straight ahead of us was Wellington Golf Course, the most expensive golf course in the city.

After we'd finished playing never have I ever, we ate lunch and then proceeded to watch movies the rest of the afternoon. Alec had to leave halfway through the afternoon because his parents were apparently extremely strict but I had managed to call mine and convince them that I was at a friends house doing a group project.

When the sun finally began to set Christian came up with the genius idea to go on an adventure. Little did I know that by 'adventure' he meant sneaking into a prestigious golf course that was blocked off by a ten-foot fence and a 'no trespassing' sign. Now here we were; standing in an empty golf course at 10 o'clock at night.

"Guys there's golf carts!" I yelled as soon as I spotted a row of them. I immediately ran towards them and hopped in the driver's seat.

"Awww the keys aren't here." I said disappointedly turning to face Slate and Christian who had followed quickly behind me.

"Let's find them then." Slate said earning a 'fûck yea' from Christian.  We all ran to the front door of the clubhouse. I pulled the handle to see if they'd decided to leave it unlocked, but I was expectedly unsuccessful in opening the door.

"I can pick the lock." Christian said as he lightly pushed me aside and took two metal pointy-looking things out of his pocket. Noticing my quizzical look he turned back towards me, "I had a feeling we'd be breaking in somewhere." He said casually before getting to work.

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