Chapter 24 - Parole

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Chapter 24 - Parole

My phone began vibrating on my desk and as soon as I saw the words 'UNKNOWN -585' flash across my screen I basically jumped up from my seat and raced to the front of the class.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I told my english teacher, trying to act as casual as possible, except the vibrating phone in my hand was a harsh reminder that if I didn't make it into the hallway in the next few minutes and answer the call before it stopped ringing, I'd have no way of calling Jace back.

"There's only 20 minutes left until the end of the day, can't you hold it?" Ms. Lavender answered snippily and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Why did I even have to f*cking ask to go to the bathroom? It's a basic human need for god's sake.

"No Miss, I can't hold it." I replied impatiently as I began to get annoyed with the delay. I was debating not even waiting for her response and just leaving the classroom, but I didn't want to get on her bad side. I do still plan on going to Harvard after all, and a bad word about me—even from one single teacher—can screw it all up.

"Very well then, make it quick." Ms. Lavender said causing me to practically sprint out of the class as soon as the words left her mouth. I could only imagine what the rest of the students were thinking, but in the moment I couldn't have cared less. As soon as I rounded the corner, I answered the call.

"JACE!?" I practically screamed into the phone and the sound of him chuckling at my eagerness lifted my hopes. He wouldn't be laughing if he just found at that he had to stay for another four months, right?

"Hey little sis." Jace said and I found myself getting more and more impatient and anxious by the second as I waited to hear if he was being released or not.

"So.....?" I said, trying to politely hint to him to get the f*ck on with it already.

"So, what?" Jace asked teasingly making me even more annoyed. Deep down I knew he wouldn't be joking with me like this if he wasn't being released but I needed to hear it out loud to be sure.

"JESUS JACE, ARE YOU BEING RELEASED ON PAROLE OR NOT!?" I asked, scared that the call would get cut off at any second.

"I'm being released Willow." Jace finally said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"THANK THE F*CKING LORD SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST." I said, practically doing a happy dance as a wave of relief and happiness crashed over me.

"You know for someone who doesn't believe in god, you sure do thank him a lot." Jace said teasingly and I realized how much I missed him and his stupid jokes.

"Shut up, pretty boy." I said remembering the name he'd told me he had received in prison and for a few seconds we both just laughed. After telling him that I was leaving now and that I'd see him in an hour we both said our goodbye's and I hung up the phone. I turned around to go back to class so I could get my books but my heart sunk in my chest when I saw Slate standing only a few feet away.

"So that's why your parents don't want anyone to know where your brother is, he's in prison." Slate said casually, as if he had just learnt my middle name or something, not that my brother is a criminal.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." I said angrily as I went to walk past him. Like my parents, I didn't want anyone to know about Jace going to prison. My reasons were very different though, my parents are trying to protect their image, I'm trying to protect Jace's.

I could only imagine the things people would think about him if they knew he was charged with DUI and vehicular man slaughter, and considering it's all just one big misunderstanding he sure as hell doesn't deserve the awful assumptions that come along with the knowledge. Slate grabbed my hand as I went to walk past him, effectively making me stop.

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