Chapter six

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Alpha Xavier sat in his office absentmindedly staring down at the paper work. The vampire had escaped sometime last night with no clue of how. Shifters just passed out and the cell door opened on its own accord. He had seen some strange things in his life time. But he had no dissolutions of what really happened last night. Running a frustrating hand through midnight jet black hair, stormy grey eyes narrowed at the phone on his desk. Picking up the device signing he dialed a number he promised himself he would never call. After a few rings the call connected. "Must be freezing in Hell Alpha Xavier The voice answered not hiding its revelling tone dripping with sarcasm. Gritting his teeth Alpha Xavier breathed in deep swallowing the growl crawling up his throat. "Something has happened can we meet?" The person laughed out loud the sound very lyrical and infectious if was not such a serious call. But did manage to aggravate the Alpha more, claws extended and dug into the desk. The laughing stopped followed by a small chuckle. "Not even a please with sugar on top?" They drawled. "Enough!" Alpha Xavier boomed. "Meting at the Cave in two days, closing time, and don't be late." Cutting the call Xavier leaned back in his chair closing his eyes while calming down. He hoped he was wrong, rubbing his eyes he stood up walking out of his office. Time to talk to his son he searched the pack bond finding his location.

Dalia lay in a bubble bath in her room eyes closed in exuberance. This was definitely the life. A knock at her door made her open her eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Dalia its like your bestie here open up I want details! The female shifters voice squealed excitedly. After a moment the blonde burst into the room taking in her friend glad in a white towel. "So how did you manage to snag Hunter soon to be alpha and mwa had like no idea finding out with the rest of the pack like some loser." She raised her perfect eyebrow expectedly. Dalia rolled her eyes before facing the blonde. "Oh honey don't get your panties in a twist, honestly I don't know how it happened either he must have warmed up to me I guess. "Oh please his more than warmed up to you missy your his chosen mate basically. "Dalia shrugged dropping the towel pulling on her underwear with a light summer dress. Taking a seat in front of the mirror. The blonde pulled up behind her pouting. "Look Mandy I'll tell you everything when you start brading my hair like the one you did for April but better ok?" Mandy's eyes lit up I can do that babe. Sit back and let me work my magic! Dalia grinned at her her in the mirror. "Just so you know its really smutty." She winked making April laugh that high pitched sound that used to be really annoying but tolerable now.

Dewald couldn't help but let a smile tug at his lips at the memory of last night. Some might think he gave in to easily but what Hunter wants he gets. Even when they were pups the boy always convinced him to do mischief and getting into trouble with their parents. Then in their teens when they snuck out to parties held in the woods with humans, defying his dad the alpha. Having him scared shitless. But Hunter being a true rebel always facing the consequences and telling his dad to let them live a little. Looking at the sleeping alpha by his side he enjoyed the scent and heat of his body. They still had a lot to talk about but he was content in having him close for now.

"Your mad."
Dewald shook his at but strong arms circled his torso pulling him against a solid chest. He would lie if the said he didn't enjoy this but he spoke up. "More confused though." Hunter pulled away much to Dewald enjoyment but he showed no disappointment. "Sit down." He motioned to his bed the latter doing so. He walked a few paces running a hand through his hair. With a determent look on his handsome face he came to sit beside Dewald. Taking his hand he stared at it for a long time. And just when his mate thought that his changed his mind he spoke. "You need to know some things and I will tell you everything I can." Dewald frowned at that but he nodded for him to continue. "Im working with Pack Law on secret mission. Dalia is involved and unknowingly my informant hence our fake relationship." With that said he squeezed Dewald's hand him doing the same as reassurance. "We don't know how deep she's in but she was spotted with a few unsavory characters in the supernatural world. Dewald nodded as things were beginning to make sense. "So what happened out there tonight? I mean really happened not what you told your dad." Hunter had to smile at that his mate was sharp always have been. Looking him in the eyes he told hi about the meting in the woods and the vampire. Falling back on the bed Dewald glared up at the ceiling. "I'm still mad at you just so you know." Locking eyes again Hunter could see the relief but also worry in his mates eyes. So he did what any worthy mate would. Take those brooding emotions away and replace them with something els.
Dewald was suddenly pinned in a flash Hunter on top of him hovering above him staring into his sole. Achingly slow he bought his face down turning his head he place butterfly kisses along his collarbone up his jaw stopping at his ear. "What can I do to make it up to you." He whispered against his ear. A shiver ran up Dewald spine making blood rush to his lower region. With all rational thoughts out the window he spoke the two magic words... "Kiss me."
And with playful but lustful growl Hunter obliged.

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