Chapter 11

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News about the alpha and beta sons being mates traveled fast and everyone was talking about it.

Pack Midnight Moon was not as traditional like most packs but has changed with the times and have embraced a lot of modern day life and culture although some do cling to the old ways and customs.

And while being close minded was not a sin it could be rather irritating. And the thing about being a higher rank shifter was that the lesser pack member wouldn't give their opinions to your face with fort coming confrontation as it will be seen as a challenge. So they will do the next best thing and undermine you with rumors and idle gossip. Dewald acted like he didn't hear the two teen shifters in the hall while they whispered about him probably giving them his 'gayness'. Although they bowed dutifully when they saw him come down the hall then practically scurried away like squirrels. He signed this was to be expected. But his mood was instantly lifted as a pair of strong arms came around his waist the sparks dancing along his skins intensified, his sneaky mate. "You busy?" He shrugged as he leaned back against a solid chest. "Good, come with me."

Dalia and Mandy was sitting in the entertainment room of the pack house. There was some series playing on the large HD flat screen and three other teens lounging around with their phones but were basically background noises to the two she-wolf's on the couch. "Mmm I don't know Dalia people are saying you lost your touch, turning the a young virile, future alpha male gay. Tsk, tsk I'm baffled that your even this calm about it girl." Mandy says while filing her nails.

Dalia suppressed the urge to laugh like a lunatic and twirled a red strand of her hair around a manicured finger before fixing her 'friend' with a slightly annoyed glare. "You know as well as I do there is no way fighting the mating bond. And I know when to cut my losses." Mandy nodded like she believed her but she didn't rely care. Her phone vibrated against her thighs, drawing both their attentions to the device. A picture of an unknown male popped up on the screen instantly spiking Mandy's curiosity. "Ooh who's that?" Dalia stood up from preying eyes keeping her voice casual. "Just some guy from out of town. I have to take this in my room." Mandy winks knowingly pulling out her own phone her own social notifications grabbing her full attention.

"Hey spitfire how's the upgrade?" The male voice asked on the other end. "As good as can be expected of a dog." They both laughed at that. "Listen I was thinking of coming to see you I miss you." Dalia lit up at his words. "Well I'm sure you can, and why don't you bring along a few friends there is a party I want to crash."

A knock on her door interrupted their conversation but she wasn't worried the type of barrier spell around her room prevented shifters from listening in on their conversation. "Dalia the gang's going to the mall, want to come along?" Mandy's high pitched voice asked from the other side.

She wanted to say no but she didn't want to give the she-wolf anymore reasons to think she was acting weird. "Yeah will be down in a minute darling." Clapping could be heard then footsteps running down the hall. "Sorry about that Lucien darling appearances you know." She mused flipping her hair. Liquid pouring into a glass could be heard before his reply came through. "All good, text me the details and I'll get the guys ready." Ending the call she walked over throwing open her closet.
Now what would scream Dalia 20th century? She hummed smiling evilly.

Dewald pov

Hunter took me to the old tree house we build as pups. It was kind of surreal standing here it seemed like only yesterday. Hunter put his arm around me glancing at me sideways. "Our club house." He quipped with a small smile. I laughed turning to him and nodded. He still remembered. "What were we ten ?" I shook my head looking up at the tree house. "Yeah, we spent the whole week on it because you wanted it to be perfect for my birthday."

Hunter had one of those rare smiles on his face where his eyes practically sparkled his perfect teeth showing with a dimple appearing only then. Dewald blushed at his words he seemed to be doing that a lot these days. He cleared his throat staring up again into amber eyes. "I made a wish that that night you know. I was just a pup and as far as mates were concerned my knowledge was really limited." Dewald was looking curiously at him now. "I wished that we could be mates so that way we would always be together." Dewald smiled at that before saying. "Yeah I pretty much felt that way too." They were pups with no clear understanding of sexuality involved with mates and two boys being mates seemed like the best thing in the world having your best friend and soulmate all in one.

Hunter pulled him towards the tree-house, he gripped and pulled a rope lever hanging against the tree making the makeshift ladder descent down. They didn't really need it to get up to the house but it was more out of nostalgic sentiment that they used it. The house was still sturdy although a little small for their hulking bodies. So they sat down next to each other reliving their pubhood memories. And enjoyed the sunset over the forest giving the sky an orange ambience.

The crow watched them from a branch not making a sound. Night fall will come to soon and with it trouble. His Misters has had different forms throughout history but this one she has prepared might be the deadliest yet. He would serve her as is his curse. A creature such as himself has long ago learned to accept his fate and pities those who still fights what the prophecy predicts.

Ten figures approached the pack borders stopping at the treeline on the hill facing the blinking lights of Midnight Moon. Wicked grins form on nameless faces staring ahead. Cold calculating eyes irked with malice. "Lets ruse the Wolf's den boys!" A voice spoke up among them. He gave a toothy grin revealing sharp white fangs. He laughed nastily before vamping downhill the others following behind.

They moved with a blur through the trees towards Midnight Moon. With speed that shifters can only match in their beast forms with the exception of the alpha and beta. But the element of surprise will be satisfying not to mention the chaos that tonights attack would bring. Lucien the strongest among them smirked at the thought of these mutt's blood on his claws and fangs. He didn't care much for drinking from them because he despised their taste but yet some of his kind find it quite tantalizing when their meal fought back. In no time they reached the pack. Music and voices floating from below as they stood among the trees clocked with powerful magic. They stayed undetected waiting for their signal to attack.

The black dress that Dalia picked for tonight's celebration was stunning in showing of her figure. But the dress was a metaphor the conniving vixen decided to wear for what she had planned.

She was a dangerous beauty then now will not be any different. Her wicked plan's she had with her so called pack was in full swing. Behind the sweet smile and beautiful eyes there lurked a beast that didn't need claws and fangs to rip a man or beast's soul apart. She looked in the mirror one last time before taking her leave swaying her hips as she walked out confidently.

Tonight's gonna be a good night!

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