十四: Redamancy

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(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.

AN: I feel that this chapter will be best read with the music linked above: Listen to your Heart by DHT (unplugged version) on loop, idk I wrote it while listening to that so :X

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During the next few days the runners stayed in. Various boys were stationed at the entrance in shifts, in case the grievers decided to come right for the glade during the daytime. During the night time thankfully, the doors remained shut as per normal. However it didn't stop a thick fog of fear from settling over the gladers in the meantime. Griever sounds were frequent throughout the day, putting everyone on edge, be it metallic sounds echoing down the passageway or a screech that tore through the air.

Qiufeng kept to her duties as usual, feeding the hungry gladers whenever it was mealtime and helping Frypan whenever he needed her. During her free time she practiced throwing knives more than ever in the deadheads. She didn't want to become a burden to the rest when they had to leave the glade eventually, and she could feel that day was getting close. Soon.

Then, one morning she awoke and realized something strange.

She shifted in her hammock as she roused to the coolness in the air, drowsily drawing the blanket closer to her. There was a moment as she lay there, still under the spell of sleep before she realized how quiet it was. Her eyelids flickered open, and then her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Forcing herself to get up despite still hazy with sleep, she stumbled forward towards the morning light.

Qiufeng stood there for a moment, giving herself some time to wake up. Then after her mind had cleared, she realized why this morning was so unlike the others.

"No griever sounds," she breathed, her voice clear against the stillness of the glade.

"Yeah." A voice sounded behind her and she turned quickly to face Minho. "I noticed it too when I woke up this morning."

The other glanced down at her, hands on his hips. He looked as if he had already been awake for a while, all freshened up and alert. It wasn't strange because his body clock was probably tuned to waking up early to run after all these years, but then she noticed he was carrying his backpack, wearing his hand gear as well as his sports shoes.

"You're going out." She realized sharply, her eyes narrowing in disapproval.

"Yeah, I'm going grocery shopping down Maze Avenue shuck face, you want anything? Could get try to get you a griever leg for dinner." Minho laughed as he started to walk leisurely towards the East door, and Qiufeng stared at his back in disbelief as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She sucked in a sharp breath as she broke into a small jog to overtake him, standing in his path with her arms folded.

"Aren't you just asking for it?" Her voice was incredulous, and for once she didn't think twice about asking a question.

Minho rolled his eyes, pausing in his walk and drawing his weight into one leg to stand. "Look Feng, someone's gotta go and check eventually."

"At least take someone with you." She insisted, unable to come up with something better to reply with.

"Yeah, and get more people injured?" Minho raised one eyebrow as he folded his arms.

She bit her lower lip at his answer, struggling to come up with a retort because that much was true. They had lost over four runners a few days ago, to lose any more would certainly put the gladers in a spot. However at the same time they couldn't lose Minho either, he was the best runner after all and although it was his responsibility, she couldn't lose Minho either. Her eyes flickered upwards to briefly meet his gaze but at the sight of his frown she lost her confidence.

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