二十: Suspicion

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AN: Hey all! So I'll probably be trying to pick up the pace with this book a little, because the main plot actually starts in the scorch. Hopefully I'll be able to try updating at least twice a week? We'll see how it goes, because I actually want to shift my focus to the second book soon HAHA


They headed for the source of the shriek, turning corners and running along the corridors as fast as they could. It took a moment but they soon realized that the shriek they heard wasn't a griever. It was most definitely a human. Qiufeng raised her eyes to the skies that were starting to turn pink and yellow. Considering the time it was now, it was plausible that a griever had already been wandering the maze and stumbled upon an unsuspecting runner.

That is if they were back to their usual timings and not just out to slaughter the next batch of runners. She felt a chill run down her back as she imagined coming face to face with the horrendous creatures that had taken out five of their runners just barely last week. She tried to think about other things, but the image of a griever ripping her body apart in various ways stayed fresh in her mind no matter how hard she tried to shove it to the back of her head.

Just then, she caught a movement from the corner of her eye. Minho had raised his hand as he slowed to a stop and she followed carefully, noting his sudden cautiousness. There were voices coming from around the corner. Whilst deep in her thoughts, she had totally stopped paying attention to her surroundings. Qiufeng chided herself inwardly, she needed to keep alert if she wanted to stay alive in the maze.

"Ben, stop it!"

If Ben was one half of the pair, that meant that Samuel was the one who was shouting. He sounded a little panicked and they heard Ben mumble some nonsense to himself. Pressing their backs onto the wall, they edged closer cautiously.

"She was the key!" Ben's voice sounded in a low growl and she froze in place. There was only one 'she' around the glade, and that was her. "Was until they dumped her here, but then... They suddenly want her back."

Qiufeng's eyes widened, and she looked up at Minho frantically. The other was still peering out from the corner of the wall, too focused on what Ben was saying to pay attention to her. She had no idea what Ben was talking about or why he was suddenly acting this way. His voice was full of madness. It was like he was stung, but there were no signs of any grievers being nearby. At least for now. She did a quick time check. They had a bit of time to spare but they needed to move soon if they wanted to get back into the glade by the time the doors close.

"They want her back." Ben continued to screech, and as Qiufeng peered out from behind the wall she saw him tearing at his hair. "They want her back they want her back they want her back..." He repeated in a crazed chant.

"Who's they?" Minho suddenly asked, stepping out from behind the ivy.

There was no indication whether or not she should stay back, so Qiufeng followed him cautiously, but made sure she was behind him.

"The creators." Ben snarled as he whipped around, not even the least surprised to see him.

"Minho!" Samuel's voice filled with relief as he ran over. "W-we were just running, until Ben just collapsed with a scream, when he got up he just started saying all these weird things."

"Bad bad bad bad bad..." Ben was whispering now, hands hanging limp as he swayed back and forth. All while keeping his eyes fixated on Qiufeng. He almost looked like a beast that was just about to pounce on its dinner. "You and the new boy, you're both bad."

"Thomas...?" she asked quietly as she reached down into her holster to touch one of the knife handles with her fingertips.

"Shut your face!" Ben screamed, clearly agitated by her presence and Qiufeng flinched at his sudden hostility. "He'll wanna take us home, he'll wanna get us out of the Maze and then they'll kill us all like the rest for the sake of her!"

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