二十二: Good Friends

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AN: I'm really sorry about the late update guys but work has been horrendous, I'll try to see if I can get an update up before the end of next week but no guarantees ;w; 


"Are you two even listening to me?" Newt looked over at his two friends who had joined him at the kitchen.

He had been talking for at least five minutes now, only to realize that neither of them were even listening to him. Thomas was listlessly staring into the distance, his face just barely short of slipping off the back of his palm and looked like he had the life sucked out of him during the night previously. Qiufeng looked... Stressed. She was staring at something in the distance with deadly fixation with her chin resting on both her hands and he didn't think he had seen her have bigger eye bags in all of the time they had spent here.

Thomas was the first to respond, snapping out of his daze to slowly glance at him. "Yeah, sorry. Couldn't sleep last night."

Newt tried to be sympathetic. "Can't blame you there." He turned to Qiufeng and Thomas' gaze followed. Her gaze hadn't shifted an inch and she only seemed to be getting more and more stressed by the second. "I'm guessing you're not the only one."

Her focus wavered as she came to a realization that they were talking about her and her gaze shifted to them. She seemed to be indecisive about something and instead chose to give an awkward laugh and smile. "I'm fine," she said lightly as she casually grabbed the lunchbox that was set on the table. "I was uhh, up thinking about... Stuff." Qiufeng laughed again as she slowly backed away towards the open glade.

Newt and Thomas exchanged glances.

"Also I think I hear the runners gathering, I'll catch up with you guys later!" she ended off before turning tail and running towards the mapping room.

"Does she know she's a terrible liar?" Thomas asked as she disappeared behind the metal door.

"Don't think so." Newt shrugged. "Anyway come along now greenie, Winston's waiting at the Bloodhouse."


Qiufeng shut the door to the mapping room hastily, leaning her back against it afterwards. She had contemplated telling Newt about the note yesterday, but after no one realized that it went missing she failed to find the courage to bring up the topic.

She couldn't possibly tell them that she had destroyed such a precious clue without even managing to see the entire message! Qiufeng had decided at about three in the morning that she shouldn't tell the gladers and just attempt to try and solve it herself. Her hands pressed against the side of her face harshly and she shut her eyes tightly. She would be ostracized, banished without a second thought, kicked out of the glade! Then she would be ripped apart by the grievers outside and everyone will be trapped inside forever because she had burnt that vital clue. And it would be all her fault.

"You alright?"

Qiufeng snapped out of her daze and glanced up quickly to see Lester standing there. He seemed somewhat concerned. "Yes!" she replied quickly with a bright smile and without a second thought, hoping that she didn't appear nervous.

"You sure? You look like you've gonna explode any moment now," the blond laughed as he eyed his fellow runner who was obviously stressed out by something.

"I, well that is..." Qiufeng laughed awkwardly as a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. Was the map room always this hot? She glanced sideways, hoping to find something to change the subject to.

Just when she thought she would have to spill the beans and get kicked out of the glade as griever food, there was a soft creaking sound from behind her. A soft gust of air blew into the room and when she turned behind Tim was there behind her, his head poking in from outside. "Ah!" he exclaimed when he saw Lester and Qiufeng inside the room, his eyes widening in surprise. "I found them!" he called out to someone else outside as he disappeared back out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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