Fall of Angel

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  • Dedicated to Ashley Stiemke

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy this story :) Don't forget to read the cast! :D Megan Fox is the protagonist of this story, I will be adding pictures of the rest of the cast in the chapters :)


                Every morning I wake up at six, take a shower, and spend the rest of the hour preparing my face for the public. There is no one day that is acceptable to look disorganized, or else the “pack” turns cannibal. Even on their leader.

                At seven my boyfriend pulls up in his sleek, jet-black mustang in front of my three-story mansion on a cliff facing the ocean of Virginia. Not much else to say about my house other than we have servants for cleaning, tending, etc. Marcus and I speed through the sandy beaches my family owns for miles around. At seven twenty, my handsome, broad-shouldered, black curly haired boyfriend, Marcus, and I have a heavy make out session before we have to head inside for classes.

                Everyday, Marcus and his 6”1’ rippling muscles head to the weight room to condition for football/basketball/baseball, whatever the season is. This year I always head to Yearbook/Community Club to assume my position on top. If it weren’t for this club and all the good deeds we do for the school, the community and its people we wouldn’t be allowed to be the elite.

                It’s a typical day so far, especially boys drooling as I approach them. As if they could handle me! Mentally I laugh at them and say nothing to them, saving my lip-gloss from smearing. One girl comes up to me, daring to stall my stride for a simple note that she hands over without looking me in the eye. Most would be offended that they were not glanced at; I on the other hand love it.

                Whoever this girl is she’s pretty but nothing compared to me: her thick hair looks wispy in comparison to mine, her complexion looks blotchy compared to my naturally toned skin. Let’s just say that I could spit her out and step all over her by simply arching my brow and making an impatient sound. But I spare her instead, leaving her be…for now. As she scampers away, I look at the note. It’s nothing more than a fan boy declaring his love. Actually, more like lust and pathetic fantasies for an impossible dream.

                I crumple the note and toss it over my shoulder. Sorry, loser.

                I continue, taking long strides in my small heels, it’s not stiletto season yet, and get to The Club’s class. Yearbook/Community Club is the elite for girls. Topping even the Mary’s, who do charity work and dress almost as expensively in style as my pack does. Almost.

                As I enter, every girl quiets down for a second to inspect me- flawless skin, perfect makeup, perfect nail polish, check. Bright eyes revealing sparkling sapphire jewels, Marcus’ letter jacket draped over a halter top and cute jean skirt combo, matching heels, adorable, silvery anklet, check. They  resume their talk about the renovation on the school’s auditorium as I release the trapped breath in my lungs. What can I say? Even I have my moments of doubt.

                “So, we are having some issues. There are about 20 bazillion assemblies going on this month and the next. No way can we keep the promise we made to Mr. Baxter!” Taylor exclaimed making her ultra bouncy curls bounce, near meltdown point. I still question why we let her be one of us this year. Oh wait, that’s right- because she was a wannabe for three years until she coupled with our tennis champ in his room. I wonder why he supports her frequent meltdowns, if you catch my drift, wink.

                “Relax, Tay,” ordered my second in command and BFF, Ferrah. She really looks like a cat with her tilted, luminous, emerald eyes, her hay colored, curly and poofed out hair. Her body was flat like a ruler and she was nearly as tall as Marcus, but she makes do. Ferrah already has a career in modeling. “Let’s just have Angelique’s daddy pay the workers overtime and problem solved,” she said cheerily snapping her fingers.

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