Chapter 7

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Hello, my pretties :) I know that the height of the actors probably isn’t accurate for this story but bear with me please :D it is fiction after all, use your imagination and make the scene work :3 If after reading this chapter anyone would like to make a fan-cover art, I’d love to post it :), message me for details? Lol enjoy!


Ferrah stood at my doorway with her eyes blazing, “Angelique, you bitch!” she screeched as she rushed towards me. I stood up quickly and glared at her. “What the hell were you thinking?? Giving freaking Marcie, of all people, the title?? I should have gotten it!” she screamed at me merely three feet away. Laura was standing off to the side, wondering was going on; I sent her away with a flick of my wrist.

Turning to face Ferrah I sipped my tea calmly, I could tell it got on her nerves even more; the sweet , red tea tasted delicious. I took a breath in and replied calmly, “I’m thinking that I’m so much smarter than you, Ferrah,” Ha! The look of her face was priceless! It was rage mixed with offence, topped off with disbelief! “We’re seniors, Ferrah! We won’t be in high school anymore!” I yelled at her, “I know I won’t be, anyways,” I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

Her jaw dropped, “Mothafucker!” she screeched before she rushed at me again. I held my ground as she grabbed my hair, it hurt! But I was not going to let her know. I gave a silent cry as she yanked my hair in all directions and I shot my hand upwards letting go of the tea. There was a small splash as the glass went into the pool and I felt my palm connect with her jaw. Ferrah let out a wail, I think I made her bite her tongue.

With both my hands I pulled on her hair but it didn’t come out. Huh, I’d always figured she used a weave but I guess not. She yelped and tried to step away from the grip, the way she held me I had to look up at her. She was about four inches taller than me but I could tell she wasn’t worried about where she stepped, which was on my foot! I gave a cry of pain as she stepped closer, her foot on top of mine crushing it. I pulled it free at the same time making her lose her balance, the next thing I knew I was soaked and spitting out chlorine water from my mouth.

“Uh!!” I heard Ferrah yell as she splashed water at me, “This is all your fault!” she screamed. I simply gave her a glare and pushed my hair away from my face, my white sundress dragging me down into the pool more.

“What’s going on here?” I heard. Daddy was home. Before I could tell him everything was fine, he was freaking out, “Oh my god! Are you hurt, honey?! Give me your hand I’ll help you out!” he yelled as he squatted and reached his hand out.

I gave him a face, “What are you talking about? I’m fine,” I said as I approached the side of the swimming pool, Ferrah was already out and squeezing water out of her clothes.

“Then why is there blood in the pool?!” he asked as I pushed myself out.

Blood? I turned my head to the pool squeezing water out of my hair. It was really red, “Dad, that’s from the tea I was enjoying before somebody came and pushed me into the pool. She came here complaining that I didn’t make her the leader,” I told him, he understood. I’d told him a couple years back when I was named leader by the previous one. He was proud of me back then.

There was  a push on my side and I crashed back in the pool with a surprised yelp. Resurfacing, I gave a frustrated groan, “Young lady! That is no way to behave!” My father yelled at Ferrah. Startled, she looked at him with an innocent look probably having forgotten he was even there.

“I’m sorry, I-“

“No. That is no way for a lady to act, if you want to get far in life you are going to have to grow up out of these childish ways of yours! This petty act is not going to impress any good standing man; they will not want to marry someone so shallow. Grow up! There’s no need to get all strung up over some high school popularity contest!” Go Daddy! Ferrah’s face went from shock to disbelief to embarrassment to almost crying.

“A young lady like yourself from such a high standing should learn to control her impulses, your father would be disgraced with you if he knew what you were doing,” Ferrah’s dad was strict, I remember when he came over for dinner to sign the deal with Daddy. I couldn’t even be in the same room with him without Mr. Knox telling me what to do; I’m not even his daughter! “Learn to control yourself, young lady! Learn to become a decent girl, like my daughter,” Dad said.

Oh my, I was reveling in this moment! I was getting a front seat at Ferrah’s misery and it was glorious! Her look was of disbelief when Daddy told her to be like me; he didn’t know of the things I’d done in school to various people. But then again that was mostly the first three years in high school, this year I’d been a good girl and mostly let the other girls do the terrorizing. During Daddy’s rant I had gotten out of the pool again, my white dress was a rosy color from the stained water. It didn’t look half bad actually, but the dress’ delicate fabric was ruined from the harsh chemicals.

For a second I felt sorry for Ferrah, but Dad was right: she needs to get her fucking act together. By the way, she left crying and I think she slipped on the floor a little all the while I was laughing and squeezing water out of my dress. Daddy made sure that I really wasn’t injured before removing his suit jacket to hand to me. “I really hope that girl grows up,” he said to me before walking back inside the house, “Be ready soon, we’re leaving after we get the last of the things.”

“Alright,” I called out to him as I took off the dress and put on Dad’s oversized jacket; it went past my thighs and it was huge. I went to dry off, change, and I had Laura help me put the rest of my clothes into suitcases. My room was completely stripped of life, my bed was still here but it would reach us in whatever new town we moved to. Yeah, I didn’t care to learn the name of the town, not till we get there anyways.

An hour later found us starting our cars ready to pull out of this driveway for the very last time. I feel like I’m ready. I don’t feel dread to leave but I feel dread to start anew in a new place, even with all my good grades, attitude, and killer clothes. With my arms resting on top of the car I think to myself. It won’t be so bad at the new place would it? Dad kept Laura hired. All her family was spread out throughout the world. Her oldest son was in Russia still, her middle child was born here in the U.S. and living in Illinois, and her youngest son was off in college.

I never really did wonder how she was able to manage such a demanding job and raise a family. It’s not my problem, i thought as I proceeded to get into the car. I have not been myself lately. What the hell was going on with me? “Dad! Are you ready?!” I yelled through the open windows as my father stood in front of the home he’d claimed his at an early age. For the majority of our lives we’ve been in this mansion; now we would leave it behind for some shack on the coast.

Daddy continued to stare up at the house. it was just a freaking place for Christ sake! Two quick jabs to the horn and two abrupt, piercing honks later, Dad was finally in his car with Laura in the passenger seat.

We sat idle for another minute, “Oh my god!” I complained loudly to myself as I leaned on the horn. What the hell was his problem now? He’s getting me in a really bad mood, I thought as suddenly Dad’s car began to pull away. “Finally!” I yelled through the quiet purring of my 2011 Dodge Charger. Before pulling out too I plugged in my iPod to jam out to heavy metal rock; one of my dirty little secrets. Don’t look back, I told myself. But I couldn’t help it. In the rearview mirror I watched as the mansion became smaller and smaller with the distance between us before it finally disappeared as we rounded a corner. “Goodbye.”

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