Chapter 3

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Hi there beautiful people! :D Thanks for reading! Chapter three's cover model is a Mexican actress, I loved watching her novelas ^_^ she's got so much energy! Her name is Allison Lozz :) Enjoy!


At dinner that night, he and I sat on opposite sides of each other on the excessively long dinner table used mostly to entertain people. In silence we ate, the clinking sounds of cutlery on china dinnerware interrupted it. I was actually very hungry for once, even asking for a second helping of the entrée. I’d really worked up an appetite after running oh, I don’t know…some maybe 3hours on the treadmill? I think I broke it. I ran so hard and long I had thrown up what little lunch I’d had earlier accidentally breaking a rule too. A simple, ridiculous rule of the elite; but they don’t have to know. Just like they don’t have to know why I’m leaving. I took my phone out and sent my father a text. I was still not in the mood to speak to him.

I’m hosting a sleep over Friday.

Father jumped as his phone played some ridiculous pre-programmed tone. He replied back:

Alright, but this is the last one in this house.

For some reason this irked me. I replied with, “Fine,”and slammed the phone so hard on the table it shut off. I spit out what food I had in my mouth into my napkin like a lady. Pushing off the table, I called to Laura to clear my plate away.

My room was the only place besides the cabana by the pool that had any trace of feminine touch; ever since Mom anyways. I could deal with giving away most of my CD collection- that is what iPods are for aren’t they? But what could I do about the designer clothes that I had only worn once? Hand-me down clothes are totally unacceptable and at a shelter they would only get torn and dirty. There was so much stuff to go through! Maybe I could get a whole new wardrobe.

It’s Friday morning and Marcie is freaking out. She forgot to come to my house last night to review today’s spirit makeup. She kept stuttering that she was studying for the Calculus quiz but I knew better and as I did her makeup I gave her cheeks a few pinches. It was more likely that she was fucking around with her boyfriend. She looked away when I tried to catch her eyes; I bet I guessed right.

We’re all wearing our school spirit clothing: black hockey shirts with golden yellow, black shorts with Emerson High written across our butts in golden yellow, and even long, black stocking socks. The club promotes others to join in the cheering on of our athletes. We have a small intraschool water volleyball game to prepare for competitions; today’s practice game is open for the public to see. Most of the football team is on the team, and I know most of the thirsty girls in the school will be coming out to see them.

“Alright ladies,” I said interrupting the longing stares the girls were giving towards the pool doors. “Tonight will be decorating night. Think of ways to turn the rooms into sensuous, seductive areas,” I said wiggling my shoulders. “And one of you will have to go buy the candy,” I glanced at Ferrah, who wore a pouty look of a kid told that they’ll be going to the fair another day.

“But what about teasing the newbies?” Ferrah asked.

“Why do you think we gotta decorate the rooms? Duh!” Marcie said very condescendingly. Ferrah simply glared at her before stomping her way to class. I sighed as the bell rang to announce first period. I sighed again to myself, if they continue on like this it’ll be a long day, I thought to myself. I fixed my hair a little before walking to my first hour.


I sent a text to Marcus that I needed to talk to him after school. After all, he’s my boyfriend  and I trust him more than I do someone sneaky like Ferrah. I met with him outside at my car and told him about the move. Marcus didn’t seem too affected by the news, like at all. Though, he did mention that he would’ve liked it if I stayed until the end of the year; which was very sweet of him. I promised him that tonight he could come by my house and we could make out one last time.

 After nodding and giving me a kiss in the near empty parking lot, he left. Marcus is a great, handsome guy who’s so much more mature than the other senior boys. Other guys flaunt their muscles and daddy’s money, but not Marcus. None that I’ve seen anyways.

It’s a shame really. Our three month no sex rule was almost up- here I was about to move to a completely new city. We’d planned to spend a weekend away together. Instead he may have to help me pack. I sighed to myself again, noticing that I’d been doing that a lot today, and walked to Marcie’s car where she was waiting for me with a couple other girls.

We rode to my house to transform the rooms. The house had completely lost its femininity after Mom died. He had sold a lot of what she had bought. I thought we had a pretty simple task: spray some perfume, add a vase of fresh flowers, and dim the lights. Hopefully that was enough to create a sexy environment.

I stood rooted to one spot in the massive house as the girls ran around the rooms. I sighed, again, remembering my mother ordering our army of maids as they prepared the house for a party. She stood tall with her hands on her hips, her hair beautifully spilling from an updo, and her gently smiling at me. I really missed her.

“Angelique?” Ferrah said softly as she touched my arm lightly. This was rare of her to be so delicate with another’s feelings. She looked sincerely concerned, “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked.

I quickly shrugged off my melancholy feelings and stood straighter; I did not need anyone’s concern, “Yes, I’m fine Ferrah. Go prepare your room,” I told her firmly.

Her face, which was in a momentary look of surprise, changed into a blank look, “As you wish,” she said mockingly before sauntering off. She was like a snake waiting patiently for its prey though what her prey was I did not know. I glared at her direction, tapping my foot slightly as the commotion continued around me.

Inside my shorts, my phone vibrated before playing a flirty ringtone, “Hello?” I asked after fishing it out.

“Woooo! Hey, girly!” Marcie.

Who the hell did she think she was? This carefree way of addressing me annoyed me greatly, “Marcie, where are you?” I asked her briskly. I could hear what sounded like the wind howling in the background.

“I’m in Rick’s car!” she yelled into the phone, of course she was. Rick Blackburn’s sweet 16 birthday present from his parents was a sexy, silver convertible Dodge Charger. She and Rick were close to officially dating. “We’re all on our way!” she yelled before her phone clicked off.

She really got on my nerves sometimes, but at least she knew how to have fun unlike Ferrah. I could just picture a train of cars speeding their way around the curves of the back roads. Clapping my hands I yelled, “Hurry up!”

Within a few moments the girls were done with their rooms. I called them to come outside with me to greet the team and the twelve newbies. In the distance I could see a row of car’s headlights shining through the dark night. The moon gave little light as it hid behind some puffy clouds, even it didn’t want to witness our event. Roaring engines approached closer as I stood waiting for everyone, I was tired inside. I just wanted to cuddle in Marcus’ arms and take a nap while the girls overlook the newbies.

In front of us the trail of cars slowed to a stop, jeering girls and whooping guys sang and danced to loud hip hop music. Marcus rode alone with his stereo system vibrating through his closed windows I gave him a smile and a wave. Everyone hopped out the cars with the girls giggling while some of the guys were flirting hard with them. The newbies were all piled into two Escalades driven by Ferrah and Taylor. Did I mention that the new girls were all sophomores and freshmen? Well that’s a little bit important.

I gave Marcus a kiss as he came up the many steps to lift me into the air, this always made me giggle like the teenager I am. “Did you tell the guys what to do?” I asked him softly.

“Yes,” his dark brown eyes find my sapphire ones; he’s a good boy too.

I turned to the crowd who waited for me and I began the show.

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