Chapter 6

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Heller der! :) For those of you who waited patiently here is the sixth installment of Fall of Angel :) Hope you enjoy the picture and the story!


My final Wednesday here in Emerson High School is spent on making the final touches to my short speech. After school everyone in The Club, including all the guys, will be meeting in our room for the announcement of the new leader. Sigh, here goes nothing. I stand up from my seat in the cafeteria to go throw my trash away. I took a look towards the table were the newbies all began to hang out at. It was tradition for the girls who were accepted to become close during the rest of the school year and even during the summer. Soon, all their world is going to consist of is each other, the club, and its activities. I don’t think I’ll miss organizing anymore fund raisers.

I walk out the lunchroom and towards my next class, Pre-Calculus. Why they put me in math right after lunch I’ll never know; I always get in a sleepy mood after eating in school. I really wish I could sleep in class but that would be against one of the very rules I put into effect this year. The club doesn’t discriminate against girls or guys who have low grades, but we do try to help them improve them. Last year, Ferrah barely passed English with a D+ and now this year with that rule in place her grade has been a steady B.

I’m just so tired though.

By some grand miracle I stayed awake through the rest of my classes. I wait for everyone in the club to come waddling in; you can just tell they also want to take a nice, long nap. It’s just one of those overly warm spring days today. Nevertheless, I stand up straight in my black flats, black, high-waist, knee length skirt, and tucked in white, front ruffle, long sleeve blouse. I had almost forgotten I had this outfit because it was way in the back of my walk-in closet. There were sooo many outfits in there I hadn’t even worn in quite some time. I think some of the clothes I used to wear as a freshman are still in there! I have yet to go through the entire closet!

Everyone was seated nicely in their seats, the club members towards the windows and the newbies huddled in desks on the other side. Most of the guys are only in the club because they date girls who are in it, so they are the elite of the male population via us; lazy assholes. I send a smile to Marcus and wonder if he had such shallow intentions.

The intercom crackled to life, “It is now 2:45 teachers please make sure students are where they are supposed to be. No students should be out about in the hallway. Thank you and have a great afternoon,” the intercom lady said. Four years in this school and I never learned her name…that was kind of pathetic on my part.

“Thank you all for coming today,” I began. As if they had a choice, I thought. “As you all know, I will soon be leaving the school; my father thinks he has a great business opportunity elsewhere and would like to pursue it,” I said with a warm smile, if only they knew how much I wanted to strangle him. “And as his daughter, I must leave with him,” all the girls gave a synchronized Awww, “So I gracefully pass on title of leader to another.” I could see Ferrah, who was sitting on the window in a pink strapless shirt and a pair of beige Capri’s which complemented her lanky, thin figure, sit upright. Her hair was tame today, her curls braided into one long and thick ponytail swept over her left shoulder. I could feel her emerald eyes on me, waiting for her name to be announced.

“I consider this person a close friend; she has a great spirit, an awesome sense of duty, responsibility, and of humor. She sets things in motion and gets them done with plenty of time to spare,” Ferrah’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, “The one who will take my place sooner than we all expected, the one who will take on next year’s duties is…” I let the suspense build, the girls were on the edges of their seats, the guys were interested in the girl they might try to woo, “Marcie Conway.”

Marcie gave a muffled cry through the hand that covered her mouth; her eyes were wide with shock. No one was expecting the third in command to surpass the second in command. I cast a glance towards Ferrah- she did not look happy at all. I was sure to hear from her soon enough. I held my hand out, “Come on up.” I said to Marcie.

Marcie stood up from her seat with her eyes as wide as saucers and came to stand beside me, her bundle of energy tenfold it seemed. I walked around the desk and bent down to pick up a tiara I’d found in my closet too. It was fake- from Claire’s, but it just seemed so right for this occasion. I went to place it on top of Marcie’s black hair, it was sooo long. When I pulled back she was bouncing on her feet and smiling so brightly at the entire room. Everyone began to clap for her and I smiled at them too, completely ignoring Ferrah’s intense gaze.

“Congratulations,” I told the short, bubbly Marcie who was aiming her brilliant smile up at me.

“Thank you!” she said.

I was beginning to get suspicious. Ferrah hadn’t said a word to me in school since Wednesday after school when I made Marcie the new leader of the club. Its Friday after school now and I hate to admit it…but I’m worried. I try not to think too much about it as I park in front of the mansion but instead of getting out I sit for a moment and look up at the place I’ve called home since forever. I give a sigh and shake my head. Whatever. It’s just a place, it’s not like there aren’t more places to sleep.

I get out of my car and walk up the marble steps. Inside my bravado doesn’t last long- the walls once hung with various paintings now bare naked. My short heels echo cutting through the nothing sounding like bullet shots in the emptiness. There’s nothing left AT ALL. No couches, no TV, no lamps, no rugs, just a big nothing. All the rooms except for mine and probably Dad’s are completely bare. The art dealer did a great job selling all the paintings and Mrs. Abbott couldn’t have been happier (she sent me a long email telling me how grateful she was and how much good my donations have done).  I couldn’t stand this- this lack of stuff much longer.

“Laura?” I called out to my maid. She came hurrying out of the kitchen.


I tossed her my bag, “Take it to my room and bring me an iced tea outside,” I told her as I walked away towards the dining room doors which lead out to the pool. Once outside I took in a refreshing breath of clean, unpolluted, salty air; the ocean was noisy today. I took a seat in a lone chair and lay heavily against the back. Now this was relaxing.

“Ma’am, you have a visitor,” Laura announced as she came to hand me my tea. I frowned but before I could ask her who it was, Ferrah appeared at the door. 

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