Chapter 9

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Goddman this place is a dump!! I hate it here already! I barely stepped into the living room area and the floors creaked under my weight, like what is that? When the hell was this house built? The floor should be silent!

“Dad!” I whined, “Call somebody up to fix the floor!” God, it stinks in here too! It smelled like mothballs. At least I could do something about this; I went to the window to open it but it wouldn’t budge. Piece of shit, I thought as I tried pulling harder on it until I gave in. A stupid window was not worth breaking a nail over.

I think my dad ignored me. Noises came from the kitchen, at least there was a door to separate the two rooms. Laura was probably working on making a late dinner. “Dad?” I called out with my bag still in hand.

“Upstairs, honey,” he called back, his voice faint as it traveled down the stairs. When I stepped on the stairs they creaked, too! Ugh, living here was going to be hell. The walls had wallpaper on them, not paint, and it was pealing! I still was not used to the stench so I held my hand over my mouth and nose. 13 or so steps later I found myself in a tiny hallway with, thank god, a tall railing to prevent falls.  I feel so claustrophobic in this house!

“Daddy, I don’t like it here!” I whined. There were three doors in the hallway and one of them was open, I could see my father inside.

He gave me a sad smile, “I know, honey. This was cheap, I didn’t have much money, and I bought in on impulse,” he said. The room, at least, looked slightly newer than the rest of the house. Light purple paint covered the walls, the door frames were all painted a faded hot pink, my dresser was there along with a shit ton of boxes. The room was as big as my other closet! But comparing this room to the rest of the house, it was pretty big, mostly narrow but long. There were three large windows with also faded hot pink painted on the window sills. I could see the road we just came from, the house next door, and the back yard.

Wait…Hold the fuck up…is that the beach?? “So, honey, how do you like your room?” my father asked as I made my way over to the windows facing the backyard. It really was the ocean!

I felt a smile begin to form at the corners of my mouth, “Well…at least I know the beach is so close,” I replied. Yeah, at least something familiar was nearby.

I really want to get out of here. It’s dinner time and I am not used to eating with the help, especially with her sitting so close to me! This, to me, was so…ghetto (for the lack of not being able to find a better word to describe this due to my shock). It was quiet; uneasiness filled the corner where the kitchen table was stationed. This was definitely going to take some getting used to. The cooking was excellent as ever though.  I was trying not to be so rude to Laura anymore; I mean we are going to be living very closely together from now on.

I cleared my throat attempting to say something nice, “Thank you,” I mumbled underneath my breath as I played with the bottom of my shirt. Why was this so hard? It was just two simple words! I fled from there not waiting to see their reactions and sped to my room with the creaking floor blabbering away.  When I got to my room I groaned at the sight of all the boxes- they were going to take forever to unpack! I felt a headache settle in the back of my head as I tried to figure some sorting system out. None of the boxes were labeled when I had specifically told the mover guys what to label them!

This was no doubt going to be a long week. With my resolve set on moving the boxes around I began to push them into an orderly fashion.

There is nothing to do today! It’s only been two days in this little town and I’ve already drove all over town trying to find something entertaining to do. It’s so damn boring here! There isn’t even anything left to unpack, I have no friends here, and my car is out of gas. Not only that but it’s too damn hot to walk anywhere otherwise I would have gone into town by now and just walked around. God dammit! I thought to myself as I sat down at my desk to check my Facebook, I’m sure my friends would at least miss me. Though I may not use it all that much my friends would at least message me, right? I haven’t had use of my phone since the night we got here because Dad had to cancel it. He says he’ll get me one of those cheap, prepaid smartphones. Seriously? God, I’m so not used to living the way common people do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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