Rule number 3

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its either tails... and she is now suffering death by a way worse than how rachel has died... or its heads... and i have just saved her life... and as i reached the bottom of the message with one fuckin word waiting for me " tails... and i know u got heads " now let me make one thing clear... before i even started asking how he knew... or before realizing that i have just killed dr. sara.... my phone rang and it was a private number... and i knew it would be him...
" Who the fuck are u?!! "
" mmm.... u know i wont answer that... so why ask? " ( this was in a voice of the same lady ... which is obvious) "
" okay.. then tell me why me?! and why the fuck have u killed rachel and dr. sara... and how the fuck did u know i would get heads "
" lets say... u killed them...
" i didnt do any fuckin thing u did... "
" stop me while talking again... and someone dies... and it might even be ur parents.. "
" okay... just tell me what the fuck u want from me? and why dont much people ask about the people that die? "
" well well well... no i wont answer ur questions... and lower ur voice cause someone is coming on ur left "
" okay... what now? if ur not answering tell me what now? "
" listen to me u son of a bitch... ur in this... in one moment... i can make u responsible of two homicides... and u can rest in jail the the rest of ur life... thats if ur not gonna be sentenced to death "
" okay okay... just calm down and tell me what to do "
" it was all about trust.. u did what i asked... so now we go on... u can go back to talking to people normally... cause rule 2 is over... rule 3: there is a girl called nancy ronalds.... she is with u in harvard... look for her.... find her... she has never been in love before... if u get her to fall in love with u.. she lives... if she doesnt... she will die... lets see how good u really are... how much time do u need? " ( not to mention that since the start of this call he hasnt stopped laughing )
" okay okay... this is insane... give me a month... "
" okay great.. u have 48 hours... its 12: 10 am now... so in 2 days... she will have found the love of her life... or she will be dead... u have one last question before i leave... and if i dont like the question i will just leave "
" okay... okay... this really is fuckin insane... can i have more time? no no thats a stupid question... mmm... at least can i know anything about her? "
" well.. okay... u deserve that... all i can tell u about her now... is that keeping her alive.. wont be easy... and btw... ur virgin dr. is alive... i wanted to kill her... but where is the fun.... next time u fail... she dies... bye "
okay... what the fuck? what am i going to do now? i dont even know who to ask... just fuckin focus Tom... u can do this... its just a girl like any other girl... lets think right... who should i ask? who do i know in this fuckin school that could help me... the only person i knew was rachel... and fuckin dr. sara that he left alive for that reason!!
i kept looking at the mobile while the time is moving minute by minute... from 12:15 to 5 am... while there is nothing on my mind but nancy.... nancy donalds.... someone i dont know... i knew that in harvard doctors get there at 6 before anyone... and so i got up... took a shower and got dressed like never before... i had to be the mr. awesome that nancy will love... i got out before my parents had even woken up... and took a cab to arrive there at 5:50.... dr. sara wasnt yet there... i waited until she arrived... and while she was parking.. i just got into her car...
" thomas wtf are u doing in my car?! and what brings u here at this time? "
" i need ur help... i know we dont really know each other much... but i need u... and i will do anything in return "
" okay okay... ur just making me nervous.. lets go inside.. sit in my office... and figure it out... im sure everything will be fine.. "
" No... everything is not fine... im supposed to find a girl i dont know... and get her to love me.. and all that in 2 fuckin days!! "
" okay.. just calm down i dont understand anything... what girl... and why love u.. and why 2 days? "
" there is no time to ask.. either help me and ask later... or leave me alone... "
" okay... whats her name..? "
" fuckin nancy fuckin do..
" nalds"
" u know her? "
" yeah... i used to teach her last year... we were best friends... we were known in school.. " the 2 virgins ".... but.. why her? okay.. no questions... well... its kinda impossible "
" what?! why? whats with her thats not in any other girl? "
" well... there are 2 problems... 1- before getting into any relationships.. she asks me about the person that loves her... and im not sure that what ill say will be really good after what u told me... and 2- she is so fuckin smart... and she will know u r trying to outsmart her... and ur fuckin abs wont work this time "
" okay... well... u have to help me... i will do anything u want... literally anything... but this has to happen... "
she got out her phone and dialed a number... " hey.. i wanna talk to u about something... come to my office as soon as u arrive okay?.. bye "
" listen young man... i will help u... and maybe even today not tomorrow she will love u... but ur mine... and i mean it... ur under my orders... is that clear? "
" yes? "
" great... well... this is whats gonna happen... she arrives here at 8:18 she will enter my office at 8:22 a guy she has never seen before will come in at 8:25 giving me a paper writing in it some favorites
color: red
movie: the wolf of wall street
actor: tom hanks
series: prison break
novel: and then there were none
food: pepperoni pizza
mmm... thats it... and then i will come up with any bullshit reason for why it exists and why i will read it in a loud voice... and then she loves u... although this is too fuckin fake... but not when it comes from me "
" and im that guy? "
" get the fuck out of my car "
i got into the building... looked for a pen and a paper and wrote the shit she told me to write... and waited until it was 8:15 and i got ready.... and had a last look in the bathroom mirror to make sure everything is great... and left at 8:23 walking towards dr. sara's office.... to meet a girl.. i have never seen before... and not sure if i will see her after 2 days again...

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