She is Dead

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Well, let me explain the situation, although no words are enough to explain; body wrapped up on the bed and fall of blood, which was of course dr. sara's dead body, and blood all over the room, and before i got a chance to unwrap the body and check it out, i heard these silent screams coming from the corner of the room. I turned around to find nancy sitting there in the corner, clothes torn apart, hair messed up, and non-stopping tears.
" Nancy thank god your alright "
" Nancy what happened? "
" Nancy answer me whats wrong?! "
And all i got was tears and silent screams which made me feel terrified, so i just took Nancy and went out of the room and locked the room and left the keys on the floor in front of the door where i first found them. We went downstairs and I sat her down and tried to calm her down, but it was all for nothing, she just kept shivering and crying.
" Okay... Nancy just calm down, everything will be fine believe me, I'm gonna go to the kitchen and make u something to drink so u can become better and tell me what happened, everything will be fine. "
I left her there and entered the kitchen where there was a small window where i could see her sitting there crying. I started boiling some water to make her a cup of coffee, and as the water boiled I started wandering about everything and how my life has been getting fucked up more than ever, people dying, getting arrested and being haunted by mr. unknown who has suddenly became the nightmare of my life in a blink of an eye, but... maybe it's not that bad after all, at least I have Nancy, the love of my life, here next to me. Getting back to normal the heat started reaching my hand; I got the mug and made her some coffee and went out.
" Here u are Nancy, just drink .... Nancy?! "
She just wasn't there, and all what was left was a note from her, and the house door opened. Well it was longer than to be a note, it was kinda a message.
" Dear Thomas, the love of my life, I want u to read this message clearly to understand everything u wanted me to say, cause after it u may never see me again. I left and did as u told me, I went straight to Dr. Sara's home. She was there and when she opened, she seemed like everything was just fine, and she took me up to her room and we sat down and i told her about everything and before she got the chance to call the police; we heard the sound of glass breaking, and someone came running upstairs and he ran into the room with his face covered. He killed Dr. sara and tore her face up, and that why I didn't want u to see it. It was too hard for me, I didn't want u to go through what i went through, and while he was doing that I called u, cause I felt it was my turn after her, and I had to tell u how i felt towards u, but he finished what he did, wrapped her up, and glanced at me for a while then left. I'm on my way to the police station now, I'm just gonna tell them about everything, I might even tell them I did it if it will make them leave u alone and end this. Don't come after me Thomas, it wont change my mind. I made a decision and I have to do it; maybe it was meant for us to stay apart.... forever ur lover... Nancy "
I threw the note on the floor and ran out the door going towards the station. I already lost one, I'm not gonna lose the other , which means more, means everything actually. I ran and ran without even thinking what I'm gonna do when I get there. Am i gonna tell them that I did it to get her out?. or am i gonna tell them it was the mr. unknown who they don't even believe exists. what the fuck am i going to do?! and what the fuck has she done?! She didn't need to do all that, now I'm not even sure she will make it there, he might get his hands on her before she reaches the police station. This actually got me running faster, faster than a normal person can run. I started flying through streets to reach the police station and I couldn't even stop to take my breath. I ran into the station taking a fast glimp through the whole station to see Nancy sitting in one of these investigating rooms. Oh my god, she must be confessing!! I ran to the room and walked in with only one word on my mouth
" I did it! she is innocent. I did it! I killed her. Nancy has nothing to do with it " and at this time i realized nancy was wearing different clothes with no blood on them, and her hair was looking fine and near; which made me feel horrible. She knew this is the last time I'd see her. She wanted it to be the best, she wants me to always remember her, I really love that girl.
" Sir are u confessing that u have done everything that Nancy Ronalds has just said? "
" Yes, I am Thomas and I have done everything that Nancy Ronalds has said and i confess to all of it and I know u got me on cam here so do whatever u want with me and just let her go. I love u Nancy, and if there is any sacrifice to be done here, its me who will do it, u have already done much for me.
" Okay, we will just need u to sign for ur confession here sir, and please officers escort Ms. Nancy outside "
I sat down while my confession was getting written and Nancy was getting pulled outside while grabbing onto my hand.
" I will never forget u Thomas, u will always be with me. "
I have no regret for anything I'm doing now, at least the girl I love is alive, and the game will be over as soon as I am sentenced for death and killed.
" Okay Mr. Thomas, the paper is ready for u to sign "
" The paper? the paper! how couldn't I have fuckin thought of that! hey officer, I need to get back to Dr. sara's house now, I found the real killer! "

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