endless ending

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" Hello... 911?... this is Thomas calling from Harvard law school... dr. sara is dead... and i think i killed her... please dont be late.. bye. " these were actually my last words while i walked out of her office.. slammed the door... and walked outside jogging with my long black hair dancing in the wind breathe while the snow is the only clothes i have on and i still feel warm.. with a great smile on my face... and as i started hearing the sirens of the police.. i started dancing on the beat walking towards them... with nothing to say but " im under arrest aint i? " it wont be weird if i told u that after all that i just realized I'm naked, and don't start asking why dr. sara was wearing my clothes, cause i don't have any single idea. Now let me go on with repeating some things which i know u already know, but just get back on track. Handcuffed to the ground, laughing so badly; again don't ask why, am i laughing at these officers because they are the ones who should have protected her?, or am i laughing at myself for failing?. Ambulance arrived to pick the dead body, well, I'm not gonna say dead because i know she is dead, but because its him, and he doesn't do it wrong. Car driving to the police station while all i do is laugh; until i remembered something that stopped me. Where is nancy?! why wasn't she there? and these questions were all being asked while i arrived to the  police station, got grabbed out, and pulled in to some kind of shitty investigation. A woman coming in, which i wont waste time saying how she looks like cause i can barely see anything now. Investigation opened, first question asked
" what's your name? "
" well... i wont answer any fuckin question u ask until i get my lawyer here, and i don't even know why I'm here; u have nothing on me. "
" sir, a doctor named sara was found dead in Harvard law school, and u called saying u killed her, so i think we have pretty much on u "
" i don't really remember saying i killed her, and i know u don't have any proof of that, cause 911s aren't recorded, all i did was report a crime, so I'm the good guy here. Moreover, I'm innocent till proven guilty, so u can go get me a fuckin phone to call a lawyer, or we can stay like that forever, and i don't mind any going with any of both options " and cracking into a smile to make her more angry, cause the more anger they gain, the more u benefit; and so she left the room to come back a few minutes later with a phone.
" Here, you have one phone call to make. "
although it was only one call and anyone in my position would call his parents, but i preferred calling nancy, gwithout even believing she'll answer, and idk why i still remember her phone number, although i only heard it once or something. Phone ringing and no-one answering, which i expected, and now i have to get back to the stupid option of calling my parents, but i didn't get a chance to do that, cause the phone rang and it was nancy's number.
" hey nancy it's me, Thomas, are you okay? "
" Are you okay? where are you? i have been looking for you, someone killed dr. sara and tried to kill me but i ran away "
" I'm at the police station, and they think i killed her, so i need you to get me a lawyer and come right away, be fast! "
" okay, I'll be right there, bye "
okay, that feels much better.
" Thanks a lot officer, although its just your job " same smile again
15 minutes of smiling at her until nancy arrived another woman, with everything black, black eyes, black hair, black skin, and even black clothes. She didn't waste much time, which i liked, and she got directly to it.
" Okay, I'm Rebecca Jordan, his lawyer, and i think it's time you get the fuck out of here and leave me with him for a few minutes? "
" we know who you are Rebecca, just be fast "
and so she got out, and this is where i got up and just hugged nancy, cause i really needed this, for many reasons, to feel safe, warm and free at least, and to make sure she is okay. Nevertheless, we didn't get a chance to do it with that lawyer interrupting.
" You can do all this shit when i take you and leave, so tell me some details "
" Well, someone has been fucking with me for the past week, or even more, i can't really remember, and sending me texts and calling me, and he kept telling me to do things or else he will kill dr. sara and nancy, and last of them was today. He trapped me in a room, and i had to get out within an hour to keep them alive, but it seems i got out late, and thats why he killed dr. sara and tried to kill nancy but she got away thank god. "
" do u still have these texts? "
" yes "
" Okay, then we might get out of here. "
and so she waited in silence for a couple of minutes until the officer came back in and started talking.
" Well, we got you your lawyer boy, so start talking. "
and i was about to answer when this Rebecca came in
" listen officer, you already heard all he said from outside with your beautiful cameras, so cut the crap and get to it "
" Okay, why didn't you call the police any earlier? "
" Because he said he'd kill dr. sara, nancy and my family. " i answered while trying to end this conversation as fast as i could to get out of here.
" Okay, leave us your phone, and your free to go until we need you, and leave your address here "
and before she was about to leave, i stopped her
" One last thing officer, is dr. sara still alive? "
" They said she is, but sadly they don't think she will stay like that for a long time, her injury is so bad "
And as she left i thanked the lawyer and told nancy to pay her cause i had nothing with me. Nancy and i left heading straight to the hospital with her car. We arrived, got in, asked for dr. sara's room and sadly there was no visitation, so we just had to wait, and so i started talking.
" I'm really glad your fine, i don't know how i would have lived without you. "
" Me too, i was really worried about you, its good we're together now. " and so she got between my arms and fell asleep, while i just couldn't, i waited for hours to pass so i can hopefully hear good news. While waiting, i couldn't stop myself from taking some sleep, and after some hours of sleeping, we were both woken up by a doctor in the hospital
" Dr. sara is now better, we didn't expect her to make it out of surgery, but here she is, and visitation is now allowed, but she won't leave the hospital any time soon, cause the injury was so bad, and she wont be able to walk for a few months. "
We just left him and ran into the room, but she wasn't even there!! and whats more better is what was written on her bed with her blood.
" you miss me don't you? "

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