Filler Chappie :p

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Hey guys I'm going crazy right now! last time I checked I had 308 reads and 44 votes on chapter four *Le doing and awkward dance in my bedroom, yelling at my terrified cat, and ignoring my parents talking bout sending me to the asylum.*Anywho I love you guys for voting and commenting.. So enough about me... here's chapter five.  


Erin p.o.v

I looked up to meet....

'Nick!!' I said climbing off of Ryan. Of course he couldn't hear me cause we weren't in the same pack. Then I saw him start to shake he was shifting.  I turned around cause I didn't want to see his manhood.

"I wont tell Logan before you will... but we need to talk... I'll see you at school Erin." he said  before shifting back  into wolf form and sprinting towards the woods."

'Logan is going to kill me' I said shaking my head side to side. Meanwhile Ryan was talking about nonsense.

'That nick kid is hot... do you know if he's got a girlfriend?' Same old Ryan, not caring. I was so irritated  I bit his neck.

'What the heck was that for Erin?' he whimpered licking the very large wound i gave him.

'Could you stop being gay for 5 minutes, this is serious!" i growled he seemed unaffected by it. He is so lucky he is my friend. i wanted to rip his throat out.

'God erin you are so annoying... this isn't going to heal for days.' he was such a complainer.

'Just shut up before i slice your throat, I'll see you at school.. bye ryan." I said before i sprinted back home. That night I couldn't get to sleep. I was trying to think of ways I could tell Logan. I couldn't sleep at all why?? Cause someone had found out my secret.


this is just a filler chappie that is why it's so short. I couldn't hold it in anymore. hope you guy's like it  :P I'll update again tomorrow.  Sorry 4 any spelling mistakes. See you then....



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