Chapter six - part Two (^_^)

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Sorry it took so long I've just been really busy. Hope this chapter was worth the wait... oh and by the way I had a asthma attack yesterday. why??? Cause I saw Niall horan SHIRTLESS... LLN jk, anyhow here is the story.


Erin p.o.v

as we descended down the stairs. I felt as though all I were on us. I looked around to lock eyes with him. The man who killed my father. I fought the growl forming in my throat.

"Who is that?" I spit out with venom in my voice still looking at the man.

"That's my dad he was Alpha before me... why?"

"He um... looks like you." I said as we started to move towards him. I could tell the man noticed who I was the way his body tensed. I forced a smile on my face.

"Hi I'm Ken, Logan's father." He said extending his hand towards me. I hesitantly shook his hand. it was warm and big compared to my tiny little one.

"Hi I'm Erin." I said pulling my hand out of his grasp.

"Hey Logan can I talk to you for a bit?" Ken said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Yeah sure dad, I'll be right back Erin." he said kissing me on the lips and walking away with his dad. Once they were out of sight I franticly searched for Ryan. I spotted him by one of the servers eating all of the shrimp off the dish.

"Ryan." I said getting his attention.

"What'' he said making little chunks of food fly from his mouth.

"Come with me." I said as I pulled him towards the bathroom.

"This party sucks, none of the men here swing my way. he said as I locked the door

"He's here.."


"The man who killed my dad... what am I suppose to do?"

"Keep calm and carry on?" He said a he shrugged his shoulders. I swear he is no help. I left him in the bathroom and went back to where the party was. 3 minutes later I ran into Logan.

"Hey, dinner is about to start, come on." He grabbed my hand and lead the way to the dinning area. He sat next to his dad and I sat next to his mom, but we were across from each other. Ryan was at the other end of the table talking to some dude, like I said no help. Once dinner was served everyone broke into their own conversations. I started to talk to his mom.

"Let me get something straight." She said turning her torso towards me, I picked up my glass of champagne and started to sip.

"I want grandchildren before I die." I nearly spit out my drink.

"Umm.... okay?"

"So you and Logan better get to work." Well that escalated quickly

"I'll put that on My to do list." After that she started to talk about baby names. I mean I'm still in High school for crying out loud! I looked at Logan and he wasn't looking so happy. I started to get a head ache with all this stuff going on. I still had his mom asking me about my sexual life, his dad giving me death glares, and to top it all off I was sitting next to a little boy who kept flicking his peas at me. Finally after a few personal questions, a hair full of peas, and a large amount of death glares the dinner was over. I rushed upstairs and locked my door. That was just to overwhelming. I plopped on my bed and kicked my heels off and started to rub my aching feet. After a while there was a knock on my door. When I opened it Logan came in and smashed his lips to mine. This kiss was different than the others. It was full of want.After a while he started to unzip my dress.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled against his lips.

"I need a distraction..." He said lifting me up and lying me on the bed. He wasn't the only one.

"Me too" I said reaching for the belt buckle of his pants.


sorry it is sooo short. I know you guys deserve WAY more, I'll try to update faster sorry if this sucks ;p

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