chapter twelve

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Hey guys just made a new story could you guys check out out??? Oh and thanks for all the comments and votes I really appreciate it :)


Logan p.o.v

When we reached the house in the middle of the woods my father stepped out.

"Ah son it's so nice to see you....What are you doing here??"

'Why is Erin in there' I stayed in my wolf form and just mind linked him.

'Who?' He asked looking like he had never meet her.


'Oh the slut-' I lunged for his throat my wolf not Liking the way he was talking towards our mate, and for once for what seemed like a while forever I had agreed with him. No one dared to break up the fight. He fought with instincts and went straight for my throat which was a beginner's move.I quickly dodged it and not his hind leg. Before I could attack again he threw his head back and let out a howl for help.

Then 34 wolves came out of the trees and started to attack the rest of the pack. When I turned my attention back to my dad he was gone.

'How could you let him get away asshole'

'I thought he was right here...'

'Well obviously he isn't-'

I blocked out my wolf and headed to the house.


Erin p.o.v

I sensed Logan before I saw him. Plus my wolf kept trying to take over, why I don't know she hasn't talked to me since I got kidnapped.

'What the hell is wrong with you.'

She still didn't answer.just then Logan came in. Shirtless. I didn't even know I was drooling. I didn't even look him in the face when he ran towards me. The only thing my eyes could focus on was his V-line..... and what was followed by it..... I was snapped out of it when I felt his lips against mine. It felt like I hadn't seen him in ages.

''Are you okay babe??!!?'' He said breaking the chains I had tried so hard on with ease. I could see the way he muscles flexed, and I had to refrain myself from licking every inch of his sexy ab- okay stop thinking dirty thoughts.

Stupid heat....

Skin to skin contact wasn't really helping my case. I had never been so horny in my life. Logan tensed while he was breaking the chains and his eyes were pitch black. I don't know why but I found it a total turn on.

"Your in heat little mate." He lips moved out of sync with his voice. His wolf had taken over. I had to bit my lips from holding in a moan.

He lifted me up like I online weighed 10 pounds and walked out like nothing happened. He ran over to Ryan's wolf and sat me on his back.

"Get her home safe." Ryan nodded his big wolfhead and ran back to the pack house. We were almost there when Ryan was mocked over by another wolf. I flew off of him cause of the impact.

'Erin go ahead and run to the pack house and don't come out okay?'

I nodded and shifted into my wolf and ran as fast as I could to the house. I shifted back since I was to big to fit through the door and walked inside. Before I could close the door I heard Ryan howl. It sounded weak like he was dying. I shifted back and ran towards Ryan's howl for help hoping I could make it before some thing bad happened...



You know that awkward moment where you spent hours writing and turns out its only one page.. Yeah...

Oh can you guys check out my new story Fire and ice pretty plz and thank you. Sorry it's so short I was trying to work on the other story to :p




P.s sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes did This on my tablet

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