Chapter fifteen

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Erin p.o.v


I needed Logan. My heat was worse than I thought it would be. Male wolves were literally outside my door clawing to get in. My clothes clung to my skin, and my throat was a dry as the Saharra Desert. Dylan stayed in the Room with me for my protection, but he stayed in the bathroom with the door closed. So he was no use, and It didn't help that I really needed to pee.

"Dylan I really need to pee!" I banged on the bathroom door.

"Uh yeah o-okay" his voice sounded like he was going through puberty again. He stepped out avoiding any kind of physical contact between us. He walked quickly to the other side of the room and suddenly became interested in the painting that hung above my bed.

"It's not like I'm going to bite you..." I waltzed into the bathroom and did my business. And walked back out to find Dylan no where. Shrugging I flopped on bed and tried to ignore the burning desire building in my body every minute I thought about Logan.

~10 painful seconds later~

Where the hell is Logan when you need him? I was in just my bra and panties but I was still hot. If this thing doesn't stop I'm going to end up nude. In the past 3 three hours I've taken at least 5 cold showers and drank like 30 glasses of water, and nothing stop the eternal flame that corsed through my veins.

I tried to occupy myself by scrolling through my dashboard on tumblr. I got bored after a while so I just went to sleep.



Sorry this is so short but I'm not feelin so good this week and I was in the E.R with a temp of 105.6 I think it's the flu. Also there is like 5 or7 more chapters till the book is done. And I was wondering if I should make a sequel let me known in the comments below ;)

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