Chapter 14: The One With The Meeting

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Chapter 14: The One With The Meeting

Photo on the side: Alpha Gabriel

Logan and I returned from our daily morning run all sweaty. Well I was all sweaty he was as dry as a sheet of paper. I guess those are the perks of being a werewolf and being super fit and I'm neither. At least I have improved a lot and have way more stamina than I did when I got here. 

"I'm going to take a quick shower because I have to go into a meeting, but then the shower is all yours" Logan said and took a clothes from his drawer. He left the door open when he went into the bathroom because he didn't care if I saw him but I did, so I turned towards the Television.

I watched a full episode of Friends while Logan showered. His definition of a quick shower is longer than my usual ones. Finally, he came out of the bathroom wearing a suit and a blue tie with messy hair. "Who exactly are you meeting looking this good?" I asked jokingly while I walked up to him.

"I'm meeting Alpha Gabriel from the Blackfur pack. And as soon as you shower you could come to your first meeting as a future Luna. Plus, you could meet another Alpha" He said excited for me. I leaned up and gave him a kiss.

"okay, now go" I said pushing him a little. "You're going to be late" He laughed at me and gave me another kiss before starting to walk away.

"Wait" I said before catching up with him. I stepped on my tiptoes and fixed his hair. After that I straightened his tie. "Now you're ready to go" He sent me a wink before leaving the room. I'm never getting used to this. 

I went to the bathroom and opened the tab. After the bath was full I took off my clothes and dived right in. I was starting to adapt to running longer distances and having more resistance. It still wasn't wolf like but I guess it's enough for now. The soreness in my muscles was a nice feeling, it hurt but it was satisfying at the same time. 

I took off the dirt and sweat from my body until I was squeaky clean. Okay not literally squeaky, I'm not a car but you get my point. As soon as I was done, I dried off and like always placed the towel around my body and headed towards the closet to find something to wear.

I'll usually just put on shorts and a random shirt but I'm going to meet another Alpha. Hopefully this one isn't an asshole. Because according to my calculations 1/2 of the Alphas I met are assholes, just saying.

Anyways, I put on a white strapless dress that didn't look too formal since it covered my whole back with some sandals and of course the moon necklace that Logan gave me. I always have it one, I don't wear it to shower just because I don't want to take chances on ruining it. After I finished combing my hair I was ready to go to that meeting.

I don't know what to expect about it though. I know that I'm going to let them talk and only give my opinion when needed. I mean I will try to be helpful but they obviously have far more experience than I have so it would be wrong to question their judgement. Well, if I keep thinking about the meeting then I was going to miss the actual meeting.

With that thought in mind I went towards the office where Logan once told me it was and knocked on the door. A second later I heard Logan's voice through the door. "You can come in, Lily" I guess he could smell me even if there's a door on the way.

I hesitantly took the door knob and turned it. I opened the door and stepped in. There sitting in his desk was Logan in his all handsome glory and sitting in front of him was what I suppose is the other Alpha. He turned around letting me see his face.

He was handsome but not as handsome as Logan. Well I guess I can't compare anyone to my soul mate because that just wouldn't be fair. The Alpha had light brown hair that was kind of messy, it matched with his brown eyes. He also was wearing a suit. I guess that's the universal wardrobe of Alphas, at least for meetings.

" Alpha Gabriel, this is" Before Logan could finish Alpha Gabriel stood up and made his way over to me. "Lily I presume" He said when he was in front of me. He took my hand and gave it a small kiss without taking his eyes from mine. I looked at Logan to see his eyes staring directly at what just happened and his fists turning white because of the pressure he was applying on it. 

Seeing that, I took my hand back and went to the seat next to Logan. "I suppose you're Alpha Gabriel. I'm Lily, Logan's mate" I emphasized on the mate part. Logan interlocked our hands and after his breathing slowed down a bit. 

"Oh I didn't know that you were his mate since I don't see a mark. Plus, with such a beautiful woman like yourself, anyone can get a little distracted" Alpha Gabriel said and sat down back on the chair.

"It's okay let's just forget about me and continue what you were discussing" I said and I could see the frustration in Logan's eyes. In this period of time that I've been with him I've beginning to understand him. And right now I know that if the man in front of us wasn't an Alpha he would've had him on the floor. He has gotten his jealousy under control and rarely even displayed signs but this was an Alpha from another pack who was making comments. I know that if the roles were reversed I would be the same. 

Logan cleared his throat before starting to talk about security and rouges. To be honest I kind of spaced out with all these business talk, what I was conscious throughout the meeting was that Alpha Gabriel was looking at me and Logan noticed too. Every few minutes Logan would speak louder than usual so the Alpha would turn his attention back to my mate.

I finally went back to reality when the both of them stood up and shook hands making me stand up too. "well it's been a pleasure doing business with you" Gabriel said and Logan nodded with a tight smile.

"Pleasure meeting you Lily" Alpha Gabriel said and extended his hand. I hesitantly placed my hand on his and shook it. He held on longer than necessary before letting it go.

"Alpha Gabriel, I'll walk you to your ride. Let me just say something to my mate" Logan said and Gabriel nodded. "I'll wait outside" Gabriel said and shut the door on his way out.

"Just two things. First, if he wasn't an Alpha I would've had him 6 feet under ground just for looking at you like that. I mean he knows you're my mate. Plus, that little fucker has just been introduced as Alpha. He's a newbie in this" He took a deep breath before continuing. "Second, you were a natural Luna. I'm not talking about the meeting. I mean how you handled things and how you've been to those around you since the day you got here. The moon goddess wasn't wrong in picking you as co-runner of this pack. You are literally made for this" He said making me smile. I took him by his collar and pulled him down to my height.

I pressed my lips softly against his before stepping back. " You've got an Alpha to please" I said jokingly. He chuckled before walking out of the office.

Until he showed up again I started organizing the mess he called a desk. I mean without exaggerating he had records of payments of cars from 2013 that were buried under all the meeting appointments and things that were not organized whatsover.

I was organizing the payments when Logan came back. He looked mad like really mad. His eyes were his wolf's color and he was breathing unevenly. "Logan are you okay?" I asked him but he didn't answer.

Instead he walked over to me and pushed me against the wall, trapping me with his body. This reminded me of the day we met but this seemed way worse. He seemed out of control. " Logan, you're scaring me" I said softly hoping he would let me go but that didn't happen.

He pressed his lips against mine with the type of force that made me uncomfortable. I didn't like this. "Logan stop, now" I yelled. He moved his lips from mine to my neck. I didn't like where this was going. "You're not yourself just stop before you do something you regret" I said with tears threatening to leave my eyes.

Before I could say something else to get him to stop, he sank his canines into my neck. Claiming me without my consent.

"People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved and people are being used"

-John Green, Looking for Alaska

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