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I woke up and looked at my surroundings. I still had my hospital gown on and Logan was sleeping peacefully in the chair beside me. This was kind of our thing. 

"Logan, wake up" I said to him and when he didn't I concentrated enough and made a small portion of water appear and fall on his face. I have more control of my powers now. 

He woke up in an instant, alarmed but quickly calmed down. It's not the first time I've done that so he wasn't that surprised.

"How is he?" I asked him and he smiled.

"He's perfect, I'll get the nurse to bring him so you can hold him. I think they're doing the medical examinations" He said standing up from his chair and going towards me. He took the mentos from the bag we brought and gave me one.

"Thanks, I still can't believe I passed out" I said, shoving the mint into my mouth. I hate bad breath.

"It's okay, they took him away fast so they can do all tests" He said to me again and I nodded. "I'll see if I can get him for you" He gave me a kiss in the temple before leaving the room.

I started to shift in the bed until I was sitting upright. I was still sore but I guess that's understandable since a baby just came out of my body but still. I didn't even have to pee.

After that, I searched for my phone and called Austin. It rang a few times before he finally picked up.

"Lily I swear I don't care that you just had my nephew, you did not just wake me up" He answered.

"Austin, you just got home you couldn't have been sleeping already. Wait, what time did you leave here?" I asked him, I actually forgot that I was sleeping.

"We left 2 hours ago so stop bothering Chris and I" He said and I knew that he was going to hang up.

"But don't you want to see the baby? I mean you're his uncle and all. Plus, Spencer should really come and see his brother" I said knowing the baby argument will always work on him.

He was silent for a few seconds before letting out a huge sigh. "I'll come back in a few minutes" He said before finally hanging up.

I smiled and took out the brush out of my night bag and got rid of all the knots that filled my hair. Like seriously how many can they form in a few hours?

If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to distract myself before I meet my son. How can anyone ever be ready for this? The love of my life and my baby, together. 

I actually thought I had 2 weeks to prepare myself but he decided he wanted out and started pushing. My water broke while I was sleeping so Logan was the one that noticed. We had brought Spencer with us but since it was in the middle of the night we made Austin take him to sleep while I was in the middle of my contractions. I don't think they have seen my son yet.

In the middle of my thought process I heard steps coming towards the door and then it opened.

There stood Logan with our baby in his hand and a nurse by the door. The thing that caught my eye was the smile he had on his face. He only smiled like that with Spencer and me but I guess I can share a bit. 

He walked until he was by my side and with a small smile gave me our baby. I took it from his hands and stared at him. At how he was smiling up at me with his toothless mouth. His arms started reaching up at me as I stared into his beautiful blue eyes . From my research it said that they might change color but in a few months.

"Hi" I said softly to him as I took his little hand with my pinkie.

He gripped it slightly and I think I almost cried of happiness. Wait, I did. There were actual tears leaving my eyes. 

"What name did you choose in the end?" Logan asked me pushing the seat closer and sitting there.

We had done a list of names but I got to choose in the end the actual name since I was the one that carried him for 9 months. That was actually Logan's decision not mine. I was still going to do it but since he actually offered it sounded better. 

I started ticking his little stomach as I thought of a perfect name. "I think Alpha Matthew sounds good" I said to the both of them.

I looked up and saw that the nurse had left us alone.

"I love you both so much" Logan said as he watched us carefully. I adjusted Matthew in my arms until I had a free hand . I then proceeded to grab Logan and pulled him towards me. I gave him a quick kiss before handed him our son.

"He looks a lot like you, doesn't he?" Logan asked me while rocking our little boy. I just can't stop saying it in my mind. 'Our little boy' sounds so good.

"I think it's a little early to compare features but I think he has enough from both of us to be the cutest little baby boy in the planet" I laughed with him.

I started stretching in the bed when I felt my claws growing. "How long until I can talk to my wolf again? My claws are growing back" I said to them. Once you're pregnant your part wolf shuts down for an unknown reason until you give birth, the part that I don't know it's how long until it comes back. It's apparently really slow so now I'll just have to settle with my body adjusting once again. At least the strength and enhanced senses were still there. It's kind of a strange thing.

I mean breaking all of your bones to shift into a wolf may affect the baby so I guess it is reasonable the whole no wolf thing. 

"In a few hours you should be back to normal so don't worry" He replied.

That's when I heard the heartbeats and foot stumps of people coming towards us. I knew exactly who they were. Logan and I looked at each other at the same time.

He stood up as soon as the door opened and Spencer, Austin and Chris walked in. Damn they were fast. They were still in their pajamas so I guess that made sense. 

"Let me see him" Austin yelled running over to us. He took him from Logan's hand and started repeating the word 'uncle' to him like he was going to speak in this second. 

"Spencer, that's your little brother Matthew" I said to him as he hugged me.

"Matthew? I love that name" Austin yelled again but was shushed by his boyfriend who was watching them beside me.

"When are your parents coming back?" I asked Logan who had now Spencer in his lap, while Austin was practically keeping the baby to himself.

He's crazy but he's just not that crazy to steal him or anything. At least I hope not. Oh god please don't let Austin steal my baby. 

"They should be back tomorrow" Logan answered.

They came to meet me just before I got pregnant when they got back from Europe and 6 months later left for Australia. They didn't want to leave since they knew I was pregnant but they had already bought everything, Logan called them when we were on the way to the hospital so they are going to back as soon as they can.

"Wait, Let me take a photo of you guys" Chris said to us and stood on the other side of the bed.

Logan grabbed Spencer and sat down on the edge, while Austin came beside us with Matthew. "Austin come on" Chris said, making the motion for him to come next to him.

"Fine" He sighed giving me Matthew back. I laughed at him before smiling for the photo.

"here you go" Chris said and handed us his phone.

We were picture perfect and I mean that in more ways than one.

Hello people, The Silver Wolf is done.

I just wanted to say that thank you for reading it and I hope you liked it.

It was really fun to do this story, thank you for all your support.

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