Chapter 15: The One With Blood And Bones

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Chapter 15: The One With Blood And Bones

"What did you do?" I yelled pushing him away and holding onto my neck as blood ran down my body totally ruining the dress by the way.

Logan started walking backwards as he wiped the blood from his face. "Lily I didn't me-" He started to say but I interrupted him.

"Don't tell me you didn't mean to because you clearly came here to do exactly this and you know it. I told you to wait. I begged you to" I said and wiped the tear that slipped out of my eye.

"Lily please don't do this" His voice sounded so broken, so damaged. I was about to give up and forgive him just for the sound of him but a sudden pain in my body snapped me out of it.

"No, I don't feel too good" I said and started walking towards the door when I lost control of my body and fell towards the floor. Like always, Logan was there to catch me so I didn't actually hit the floor. He sat on the floor and placed my head in his lap.

"Don't touch me" I slurred out to him. "I don't want you to" those were the last words that came out of my mind before I fell unconscious.


Once I woke up I looked at the clock that said 9:13 pm. It had been only hours but the weight of my body suggested more. I hadn't even had lunch, my stomach was empty and I was really craving something to eat.

"Lily, you finally woke up" Logan said pressing a towel on my forehead. I turned away from him without a word. I guess he caught what I was doing because he dropped the towel beside me.

"Well I deserve that and much more but I am not going to let you get sick because you're mad at me. You need to eat and a lot" He said and opened the plate that was next to him.

The smell immediately hit my nose. It was one of my favorite foods, barbecue ribs with garlic bread. Just the smell makes my toes curl and my mouth water, not kidding. He knew exactly what he was doing. He started putting the plates in a board which I'm guessing is designed for beds. So I sat up and waited for my food.

He placed it on my lap and stepped back. "I'll leave you to eat, I'll come back later. And Lily I'm so sorry, I just lost control" I didn't say anything back before he shut the door behind him.

"Thank you for the food" I said knowing he could hear me. I immediately dived into my food not leaving anything for anybody else. What? I was pretty hungry.

A few seconds later I left the board on the side and got off the bed. I walked with weak legs to our bathroom and headed straight for the mirror. I looked at myself and saw that I was in the same dress as earlier but blood was covering the right side of it. The bite was covered with a gauze and they cleaned the rest of my neck because there wasn't a sight of dried blood on me.

I slowly removed the tape from the gauze and took it all off, revealing my neck. I gasped as I saw the mark. It was a full moon with it's craters and everything. It seems simple but it's so beautiful since everyone else has marks of their wolves. Of course, it wasn't perfect it isn't a tattoo. But it is magic so it does have its qualities. 

"It's beautiful" Logan appeared taking a look at my mark. I nodded and looked at it for a long time before I finally snapped out of it.

"I'm going to take a shower" I said and he nodded retreating from the bathroom.

"I'm guessing you wouldn't like to sleep in the same bed as me so I will just sleep on the floor. Since I'm really tired" He said with regret filled in his eyes. "And I know you probably don't want to hear this but all I wanted to do was make you happy. I never wanted to make you cry not even a tear. So I hope that one day you will forgive me for this even if I don't deserve it. God I only want the best for you I can't deal with myself knowing that I hurt you and broken your trust. I'm so sorry Lily" He said and shut the door.

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