Chapter 17: The One With Sight

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Chapter 17: The One With Sight

"Oh my god Lily!" They yelled and tackled me in a hug while Logan watched beside us with a huge smile on his face.

"Okay that's enough, let her breath. Lily and I have a lot to do" Logan said and one by one took a person off me until I had no one holding me except him.

"Fine, you can have her all to yourself but we'll get her one day" Barbara said laughing 'evilly' before all of them left the backyard and went back to their houses or wherever they were going.

Logan placed a small kiss on my forehead before interlocking our hands and walking into our house. Let me just say that the sparks and tingles I felt before were nothing compared to everything that was going on in my face and body when I felt his lips brushing against the skin of my forehead. 

Once we reached our room, he closed the door behind him like there was someone else in the house and turned towards me. "We really need to talk" Were his exact words.

"Yeah, we do" I laughed and sat down on the bed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down with me.

"I wanna talk first" I said and he nodded. "The claiming without consent thing was a real side of you that I didn't like, Logan. I get that you lost control but you have to work on that and I'll look past it because they are bigger things happening right now. You'll make it up to me in the future after we handle all this shit that's going on" I explained and Logan stayed silent listening to me. "Okay, now that's out of the way. I really need to do this" I said and Logan looked at me confused. I grabbed his chin and pressed my lips against his.

I just wanted to feel him since I had everything heightened, and boy it didn't disappoint. The way our lips felt against each other really didn't compare to anything that seemed like pleasure that I've ever experienced. This was just a whole new feeling I wouldn't mind experiencing every day. He was surprised at first but then he went along with it. As I kissed him I felt myself getting carried away. The kiss got more passionate and nothing in my body wanted to stop it. 

I pushed him down on the bed with my hand and straddled his lap as we continued kissing. I felt his hands tightened against my skin as he grabbed me even harder. 

I was losing control with him and it hasn't been more than two hours since I shifted. I took the opportunity when he bit my lower lip to finally pull away from the kiss. 

That's when I realized how deep I was breathing, but that was nothing compared to his state. His eyes were closed but his chest was rising rapidly. He opened his eyes slowly, immediately locking eyes with me. "Lily, you are seriously going to kill me if you keep kissing me like that"

I felt myself leaning back towards him but I stopped myself from kissing him again since I knew that I wouldn't control myself if I did. His hands were still holding onto my hips and mine were on his chest. 

"I just wanted to see what that would feel like with how everything is heightened" I said and almost didn't get the chance to finish that sentence since how he was slowly rubbing my hip was so distracting for me. "Logan, we need to continue this talk and you doing that isn't helping".

"What if I don't want to help?" He said with the most sexiest smirk I have ever seen on his face and it took all of my willpower to stop myself. 

"Logan, stop" He took a deep breath but he ended up nodding along. "If you really want to talk, you should get off me" I totally forgot that I was still on top of him. I quickly got off and sat beside him on the bed, secretly putting as much space as I could between us.

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