Chapter 23: The One With Lessons

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Chapter 23: The One With Lessons

"Baby, wake up" Logan said as I felt his mouth giving me kisses all over my face. I was actually already awake but I was enjoying this so I won't say anything. I had eaten a breath mint before he got up so I'm good.

"Come on" He groaned and started trailing his kisses down my neck. It took every inch of my body to not react.

He didn't do anything for a while before he started nibbling in my ear. "I know you're awake"He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and threw him a glare. "I liked waking up like that" I pouted and he smirked at me. 

"Another time when you're actually asleep" He said with a wink and I groaned. 

"You evil man" I said to him and he climbed on top of me. "I know" He said and planted his lips on mine.

"Yeah well now you ruined the mood, so get off" I said with a pout and pushed him away from me.

"Oh, I see how it is" He said acting like he was mad, but how he bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing I confirmed he wasn't.

I took my suitcase and went into the bathroom. "Lily" Logan called out from outside of the bathroom. "Can you train the class that I have today with me? I want you to kick ass again. I love watching you show your power"  He continued.

"Fine" I said laughing.

It has been 2 days since when we arrived. Yesterday, the rest of the people who were going to come here arrived, of course we kept most of our guards in our pack with the Betas.

I put on my usual workout clothes and brushed my teeth. I got out the bathroom just in time for my cellphone to ring. I sometimes forget I even have one. I find myself doing more and more activities everyday that I don't have time to actually use one. 

I saw that it was the Care Center calling so I picked it up. Logan took that chance to enter the bathroom.

"Hello" I answer and I could hear Jen's voice speak.

"Hello Luna, Spencer wanted to speak to you" I could hear the phone falling on the floor and then being picked up.

"hi" His innocent voice said from the other line. So precious. 

"Hi Spencer" Before I could say anything else he interrupted me. "Why didn't you say goodbye?" He asked with a sad tone.

"I'm sorry Spence, we were in a hurry and I didn't say goodbye to anyone, but we'll come back and I'll take you to that ice cream stand you love so much as an apology" I promised him and we kept talking after that, Logan came out a while later and joined in the conversation.

When it was time, we went towards my old training center for a simple session for both of the packs.

The space was packed with a clear division between them. There were only a 1/4 of the guards here but it still was enough to defend them efficiently. Logan takes pride in how well our pack is trained.

"Okay listen up" Logan said in his Alpha voice as soon as we arrived. I discovered I actually had one but I've only used it on accident. "I'm Alpha Logan and this is Luna Lily and we are from the Bloodmoon pack. We are going to be training you this few days. I've asked my mate to take the lead today, so listen to her" He said to them.

"Why should we? She was an omega, she doesn't deserve to be Luna. Once an omega, always an omega" A guy from my old pack said.

I took a deep breath as I looked to the person who said it. It was one of Ryan's friends. He never hurt me but still looked down at me. One of the many. 

Logan growled and I could hear my pack starting to argue but I stopped them. "Thank you for standing up for me but I can handle this" I said to them. Logan gripped my hand knowing what I was going to do.

'Kick his ass babe' He mindlinked me with a smirk evident on his face.

I winked at him before I continued what I was saying. "What's your name?" I asked him and he answered 'Greg'.

"Well Greg you see, if I'm such a disappointment to my role and I'm always going to be an omega. Not that there is anything wrong with that. You could easily beat me right?" I said like I was talking to a baby.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked, like he was going to win.

"Well, if you win you take my pack, but if you don't you'll have to spend the rest of my session respecting me like the Luna I am. Plus I want an apology and make it meaningful for your sake " I said and he and his friends started cheering.

These idiots. I looked at my pack and saw them at ease. Most of them even sat down, like they were in for a show. They know I wasn't going to lose so they knew they weren't going to have a new Alpha. Plus, I'm pretty sure if I lost, my pack will reject him as an Alpha anyways. He was too much if a dumbass to even think about the logic of it all. 

Greg walked up to me and faced my pack. "Tonight you'll have a new Alpha" I could see William and Megan watching in silence.

"In what form?" He asked me and I shrugged.

Before I knew it, he tried to punch me in the face. Keyword: Tried. I grabbed his punch before it reached my face and without a second thought, punched him so hard in the stomach that he went tumbling down to the floor.

"It may sound cliche but the first rule is to always expect the unexpected. Always be on your guard and never underestimate your opponent" I said to the rest of the audience..

I looked towards Greg and saw him scrambling towards the other side with his back turned towards me. "Second rule is: Never turn your back on your opponent. It makes you weak and unprepared" I said as I walked towards him.

I grabbed him by the shirt and raised him up so that he was looking down at me with his legs at least a feet off the ground. "And the third rule is to never ever fight a wolf who you know is stronger and faster than you, especially if you know you won't win" I hissed to Greg who was looking at me with fear and shock mixed in his expression. I growled at him, and I knew my eyes had turned into my wolf's. I took one last look at his frightened state before I dropped him on the floor.

"Okay, now that Greg is out of the way. Anyone else wants to object?" I asked looking at them. When no one spoke and some people took Greg out of the ground and set him aside, I continued.

"Okay, now everyone from Yellowstone pack mix in with the Bloodmoon pack" I said and they did it in a minute. This is going to be good.

After training for 2 hours, I stayed with Austin the whole afternoon, in which he surprised me with a bag full of new clothes. He said that sometimes he forgot I was gone and bought me clothes like he used to. Tears left my eyes in that moment. 

After that, Logan and I watched movies until we got tired, then we just started talking "Logan, I've been thinking. And I actually think we can do this" I said.

"Do what?" He asked but I kept on with my speech.

"I mean you're already 21, and I'm turning 18 in a few months so basically it's legal" I continued.

"Lily, do what?" He asked me.

"We can adopt Spencer" I finally voiced out.

He was silent for a while before he finally spoke. "I guess I have thought about it, but we have to talk to him and make sure he gets that since he isn't from our blood, he can't be assigned Alpha".

"I know, he won't care"

"The scariest thing about distance is that you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you"

-Nicholas Sparks

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