Chapter 3 - whelve

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The annoying loud sound of the school bell rung through my ears signalling the end of school. 

Annoying, but not the message.

"Before you go!" cried Mrs. Bricks.

 Brick. Suitable name for her heart.

"Instead of next Thursday, your essay will be due this Thursday." she said wickedly with an evil smile forming on her crinkled sagging face.

The room exploded in bangs of tables, arms being flown into the air and screams of "WHAT?!" and what not. 

Some people just rolled their eyes and walked out of the class, fed up of the constant uncertainty of Mrs. Bricks.

Oh goody another assignment to rush. I used to like English class, with the writing and poetry. But, high school ruined it, just like it ruined many other things.

I wonder what. 

Ha ha. Very funny. 

I walked out of the classroom hastily partially dreading the study group. Okay, so I'm just going to act normal and chill. Nothing unusual is going to happen. Everything will be fine. I'll just study as usual at the library at the same table with the same people. Nothing is going to be different.

In all honesty,

I'm fully aware that I was lying to myself but sometimes, lies are needed, to spare feelings, spare hearts, maybe even lives. And sometimes, lies are needed, even if they are made by yourself to spare yourself.

It was quite a long walk to the library and the hallways got quieter and. 

"No Reece, you don't get it, I'll get it done." a voice echoed followed by the beep of a hang up. 

I turned a corner to see Ray angrily shoving his iPhone into his pocket. 


He looked up almost shocked as if he was a kid that was caught doing something wrong.

"Taylor." He grinned after a while like a schoolboy. "Hey!" 

"I was just making my way to the library." he continued. 

I didn't want to inquire anymore.

Approaching footsteps made us caught our attention. 

Oh yay!

"Hey!" Ray's face lit up as if they were close.

I turned to see Brad look up from his phone.

"Sup Ray!" he said. 

They did one of those boyish head flicks. 

Wait. What. Since when were they friends.

Ray turned to me. 

"Tay, Brads in my math class and he asked weather he could join the study group. I'm sure Lynn already told you." my eyes whipped to meet Brad's but he was looking down shyly. 

Since when does he get shy. Without missing a beat Ray continued, 

"Brad, meet Taylor, Taylor meet Brad." he said doing the awkward ushering hand movement, his palm faced up as he moved his hand between us.

Oh no. Ray you didn't. This is so great.

Heaving a sigh, "Hi." 

I said shoving my hand out expecting a shake, trying my best to be courteous.

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