Chapter 35 - cafune

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Ashlynn's POV

The booming sound of EDM became louder as we neared the house with the street of strewn red paper cups. 

"Just follow my lead and don't ask too many questions okay?" she said as if she was talking to a child. 

"I still haven't forgiven you, you know?" I said with crossed arms. 

"I know." she simply says. 

Tay stopped the car outside a mansion. I wasn't even kidding, this place is huge. As we neared the main door, a large man in a black suit stood outside. 

"Sup, James." Tay said with a wave of her perfectly manicured hand. 

Just as I expected, she had a whole new persona. It was in her walk, in her tone of voice, the way her chin was slightly held higher and her eyes seemed to always be looking downwards as if she was bored. Her lips seemed to always be curved in a way where she looked like she knew everything that was happening. 

James nodded his head before letting her enter before holding out a fat hand in front of my face. 

"Redhead's with me." Tay threw over her shoulder not even glancing. 

That seemed to do the trick. When we stepped in, it was like any other party we've been to but much, much, bigger and better. My eyes scanned the heavily populated room full of people, some whom I recognised from school and some completely new. 

Everyone was either dancing-if you could call it that-on the dance floor, playing beer pong or full out making out right there in public's eye. I was going to get lost in this mass of people. Speaking of lost. 

Frantically, I looked around me, trying to find the glimpse of that red skanky dress that Tay put on just now. 


A cold hand clasped over my lips. 


In a split second, Tay-Sammy- was right in front of my face. Her hands on both sides of my shoulders. 

"It's Sammy." she corrected, fear evident in her eyes. "Okay?" she added, her eyes softened. 

"Whatever." I waved off. 

She stalked off towards large sets of staircases that led to a balcony that looked down upon the dance floor. New person in a new place with absolutely nobody she knows, so what do I do? I couldn't do anything but follow her. She passed through the damp sweaty crowd without a flaw while I had to maneuver around people squeaking with "excuse me"'s every now and then. 

Two large men similar to James' build stood at the foot of the stairs who simply parted to let Tay through. I felt Tay's fingers softly grasp mine as she pulled me towards the stairs. 

When we reached the top of the staircase, my lips coil in disgust as I spotted the group of people Tay hangs out with. I don't even want to identify their choice in clothing. 

A tall blonde girl in a black mini halter dress stood up and ran-sorta ran, her heels could let her touch the sky- over and engulfed Tay in a bear hug which Tay returned. She was gorgeous, her hair was half shaved, and a prominent 'a' tattoo adored her neck. 

"Hey Abby!" Tay said. 

"Who's redhead?" a guy with electric blue hair smirked in the most disgusting manner. 

"Back off Killian." Tay gives him a death glare which he surprisingly gulped to and sunk in his seat on the couch. 

"This here is Lynn, she's mute." Tay says giving a supporting half hug on my shoulder. 

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