Chapter 34 - viraha

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Taylor's POV

Next Morning.

"Hey little kid."

I was greeted with Blake's familiar head rub which messed up my perfect ombré hair. Conceited I know.

My eyes scanned the apartment with the classic red-brick walls. A black stairwell on both sides which I assumed lead to their rooms.

"Hey Blake." I said, earning a bear hug.

With Brad by my side, everything felt, well, complete. Maybe taking our time away from each other was what we actually needed.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Blake asked the million-dollar question before strolling over to the pantry.

"First, point me over to where Lynn is?" I asked guiltily.

Brad's chuckle sent chills down my spine, in a good way of course. "Come on."

He placed a gentle hand on the small of my back, I could literally feel the heat radiating from his palm. He led me up the black metal stairwell and stopped nearby a wooden door.

"Do you want me t-"

"I think I gotta do this by myself." I cut him off.

He gave me a small sympathetic smile.

My knuckles neared the cold door in a knocking position.

"Is she really pissed off?" I whispered.

"Extremely." he simply said which earned him an eye-roll.

"Honesty is the best policy." He said simply, smiling that cute smile of his while holding his hands up in defence.

I didn't know it at first but my lips were curved in a small effortless smile. Bliss always comes when you least expect it. And most of the time, you don't realise.

With a deep breath, the seeming silence was filled as my knuckles rapped against the door.

"Ashlynn," I said with a soft voice. "May I come in."

"GET. THE. F. OUT." she yelled.

Instinctively, I jumped back when a heard a huge thud from the inside.

"But, Lynn, how can I get out if I'm not even in yet?" I half-giggled.

A raging scream pierced our eardrums.

"Good luck with that." Brad said as he started making his way down the stairwell.

"Hey," I called over to him.

"Always got your back babe." he threw over his shoulder before further descending down the staircase.

Despite the circumstances, my heart expanded at his word choice.

"I'm coming in anyway." I half-yelled as my fingers enclosed around the cold brass doorknob.

Before her shuffling could indicate that she reached the door, I quickly twisted the knob, ran in and closed the door behind me.

Ashlynn stood there with a frown, before she huffed over to the bed and sat down causing it to dip on one side. Her arms were crossed and she was staring right at me with a glare that could kill. And in all honesty, it was cutting through my flesh.

"Hi." escaped my lips, unsure what to say.

"Sup Bitch."

Oh oh okay. Ouch. I deserved that.

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