Chap. 8

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Jetta and Jessie was in the mall, just hanging out enjoying each other company.

"You want anything?" Jessie asked her.

Jetta shook her head no.

"You sure? I could buy you a shirt, pants, shoes, hell even a book." Jessie said laughing.

"No I'm fine, thank you though." Jetta said.

"You okay baby." Jessie asked her with concern in his voice.

Jetta shook her head yes.

"You know you can tell me what's on your mind, I won't judge." Jessie said walking over to the food court and pulling out a chair for Jetta, waiting for Jetta to sit down , then he sat in a seat across from her.

"Nothing I just still bugging about the fight me and Neek had. We don't argue like that, well we argue, but it's nothing serious." Jetta sighed.

"Babygirl let me tell you something real quick. That's not a real friend if she can't support your decision in being with me. I didn't came in between nothing. You went out with me on your own free will. I'm glad though." Jessie grabbed Jetta hands in his.

Jetta just nodded her head. She knew Neek just wanted her and Brandon together. Neek will always be a good friend to her, so she will disagree with Jessie on that.

She haven't talk to none of her friends since she got with Jessie. It's like he taking up so much of her time. Her brothers met him, but haven't hit it off like they did with Brandon. Her mom only tolerate him for Jetta sack only.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Jetta asked him.

"Yeah sure." Jessie said.

He got up when Jetta got up. They both made their way outside the mall. Brandon and Sarah was just entering the mall. Brandon looked at Jetta, but Jetta didn't return his glance. She was hurting inside. They not suppose to be with different people. They should have been together.

Brandon didn't know what to make of Jetta not return his glance.

This shit has got to stop. It has been going on for to damn long.

Neek and Malik told him what happen two weeks ago at Jetta house. Every since then, Jetta don't talk to them at school. When Brandon call her she don't answer. It's like she is turning loose her real friends for some dude she just met.

"You okay baby?" Sarah asked Brandon.

"Yeah I'm straight."

"Is you going to buy me something?" Sarah smiled up at him.

"Nah I don't have no money on me." Brandon said.

"Then why are we in the mall?" Sarah stopped walking. That cause Brandon to stop walking too, since she had his arm.

"You said you wanted to go." Brandon said.

"Because I thought you would at least buy me something." Sarah pouted.

Brandon looked at her. She really need to not do that any more.

"Nahh. Sorry baby but no money." Brandon said.

"If it was Jetta, you probably would have money." Sarah rolled her eyes.

Is she really doing this in the mall right now?

"Yeah you right, but you not her." Brandon said and started back walking.

Sarah just gasped.

"You will always put her first huh?" Sarah had to asked.

"Yes, I told you that already. You came after her, therefore you get second everything. I'm not about to sugarcoat nothing with you babygirl." Brandon said.

"But I'm your GIRLFRIEND. She's your FRIEND!" Sarah yelled.

"Calm down with the screaming, I'm right here. Listen if you can't handle it, then just back the hell up." Brandon said.

"Gladly. I should be with someone who would treat me right not play with my feelings." Sarah said.

"I'm not playing with your feeling though. I just letting you know up front."

"Well maybe you should be with Jetta then." Brandon said.

"Maybe I will." Brandon said and walked away.

"Wait! How am I going to get home?" Sarah asked him.

"Call a cab." Brandon yelled back as he walked out the mall.


"You really is bugging. You been acting funny since we left the mall." Jessie glared at Jetta.

"No I am not." Jetta glared back at him.

"You belong to me now, so you mines will stop worrying about that punk muthafucka of a best friend of yours." Jessie yelled.

"Let me out this damn car." Jetta yelled at Jessie.

Jessie slapped her.

"Shut the fuck up. You not going anywhere." Jessie yelled.

Jetta saw red. She knew they was in the car, but Jessie had her fucked up. She slapped him back in his face. Then punch him.

Jessie was shocked. He knew she did not hit him while he was driving. Jessie looked over at her and punch her in her face. Right in her temple knocking her out.

He laughed to his self. He drove his car to his house. Making sure no one see him get her out his car.

That what she get, she belong to him, and no one else. He will make sure of it. If he have to beat her ass he will.


"How will you get Brandon to sleep with you?" Keith asked Sabrina.

"I have rape pills." Sabrina laughed.

"Let me get about two of them. Before it's all over we both will have what we want." Keith laughed right along with Sabrina.

Well then!


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