Chap. 15

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Jetta smiled as she walked into school. This past weekend was great. She walked to the bathroom.

She saw Sabrina in there. She sigh loudly and walked to the mirror.

Sabrina just laughed and apply lipstick to her lips.

"You know Brandon don't want you right?" Sabrina said to Jetta.

Jetta turned around and face Sabrina.

"You know you a bitch right?" Jetta smirked.

"Bitch? You don't know me!" Sabrina yelled.

"Whoa calm down boo, what you yelling for? I'm right here you know."

Sabrina walked in Jetta face. Wrong move.

"Back up na." Jetta warned her.

"And what your ass going to do!" Sabrina asked.

Jetta slapped her across her face. Sabrina gasps holding her cheek.

"That's what the fuck I'm going to do. Please don't try me Sa-brina. What you mad that Brandon don't want you? What you mad because he have a black girl? You mad because he have a sexy big black girl? What's the problem? Huh?" Jetta asked her calmly.

Sabrina just breath heavy. With her hands on her hips.

"No you mad because he don't want you, the white blondie girl? The Barbie doll? You can't get mad because he don't want you. Move the fuck on." Jetta said then walked away.

Sabrina ran up and grab Jetta hair. Pulling it.

"Bitch let go my hair!" Jetta yelled.

Sabrina was just laughing.

"When ever I get loose, that's your ass!" Jetta yelled trying to get her hair free, from Sabrina grip.

When she finally got it loose, she punch Sabrina in her mouth. Busting her lip.

"Ahhh." Sabrina yelled out.

Jetta wasn't through with her yet, she grab Sabrina hair and punch her in her mouth again.

"Now what that?" Jetta asked Sabrina.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Sabrina cried.

"Yeah I know you sorry, a sorry ass bitch." Jetta said then tripped up Sabrina making her hit her head on the sink.

Sabrina hold her head.

Jetta grabbed her stuff and walked out.

She was the only one who showed up at school today she guess Brandon, Malik, and Neek still had a hangover.

She walk in class, She wasn't even feeling it today. She put her head down on her desk. Sleep took over.


Brandon woke up and groaned. He have a nasty hangover. Messing around with Neek and Malik ass. Drinking Ciroc straight.  Never again.. Especially with Neek ass. Hell naw.

He looked at the time, damn it. He late for school.

He quickly went to take a shower.

He got dressed fast, just a t-shirt and basketball shorts and Nike slide ins.

He grab his car keys and rushed outside.

When he got to school, it was 3rd block.

"What took you so long?" Jetta asked him.

"Just waking up." He said then kissed her.

"Brandon cut that out." Mr. Edge looked at Brandon.

Jetta rolled her eyes.

"After lunch let's cut class. I'm not feeling it." Jetta said.

Brandon looked shock.

"What? You not feeling school?" Brandon put his hand over his mouth.

"Shut up!" Jetta hit him on his arm then laugh.

"Jetta and Brandon separate now." Mr. Edge.

Brandon and Jetta just stared at him.

"Nah you just teach the class." Brandon said.

"Excuse you?" Mr. Edge stopped his teaching.

All the students eyes was on Brandon now.

"We not doing anything to anybody. Just teach your class." Brandon said.

"Out my classroom." Mr. Edge pointed to the door.

"Gladly." Brandon left out.

"Why are you still here?" Mr. Edge asked Jetta

Jetta left out too.

"He kicked you out too?" Brandon laugh at her.

"Shut up that's not funny. Now he going to call my mom, and act like I did something wrong. That man need help." Jetta laugh.

"Let's go eat. Got to feed my two babies." Brandon kissed her check.

Jetta smiled faded. She cant believe she was fighting while she pregnant. It was confirm over the weekend when she passed out at Brandon house.

Neek rushed over trying to play doctor and brought her some pregnancy tests. Chicken noodle soup, a thermometer, a hot rag, and Jetta favorite cookies.

They all was happy, but Jetta was a little scared that she was having a baby by the man that rape her, and Brandon would leave her.

Brandon was happy for her, he told her he would be there for her every step of way.

"I have something to tell you, and you might be mad." Jetta said not looking at him as they walk out of school.

"What that?" Brandon asked her.

"I fought Sabrina."

"You did what?! You know your ass pregnant and you fighting?! What if something happen to the baby?" He asked her angrily.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear it, let's go." He said and walked away from her. Jetta sighed and followed him to the car.

not my best 😔


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