Chap. 21

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"Ahhhhh, Brandon." Jetta moaned as she clawed his back up as he stroked in her.

"You feel so good baby." Brandon whispered as he kiss her neck.

Brandon grab one of her legs and hold it in the air, as he sink deeper into her heat. Jetta was moaning her head off. Brandon just smiled as bite his bottom lip as he felt the pleasure building between them. Brandon groaned deeply, as he felt his self about to climax. He was trying to hold out, we'll wait until Jetta get hers first.

"B I'm cumming!" Jetta moaned out.

"Yeah me too." Brandon grunted out.

They came together, they breathing was heavy.

"After we get back, I'm going to need to make a doctors appointment." Jetta said.

Brandon looked at her.

"Yeah do that. Ready to check on my baby." Brandon rub her stomach.

Jetta smiled. She still had doubt, that Brandon will leave her when the baby get here, since it wasn't his child.

"Why you looking like that?" Brandon ask her.

Jetta looked over at Brandon.

"Looking like what?"

"Like you sad. What's wrong? Talk to me."

"Nothing. It's nothing." Jetta smiled.

Brandon knew she been lying, but decided to let it go.

"If you say so." Brandon snuggled up under her and yawn.

"Go to sleep." Jetta said and kissed his mouth.

Brandon buried his head in her neck. He was sleep within minutes.

They had a very interesting day. When they got to Joe Crab Shack, it was pack and they had to wait. Along with that they was getting looks from people. Malik and Neek went off on a couple of people. It didn't make any sense how some people acted like they never seen a couple that's black and white.

After they left the restaurant they all went swimming in the ocean. Malik taught Neek how to surf. She fell a couple of time until she got the hang of it. Malik and Brandon had a surfing contest. Malik won all the arounds.

They played volleyball. Brandon told Jetta to sit down, knowing how bad she was easily to get sick while  jumping around, so a random guy with blonde hair was on Brandon team against Malik and Neek.

Malik cut the game short, because they guy kept looking at Neek.

But all together they had a very good day.
"You need to cut the bullshit. That shit you pull today was just disrespectful."  Malik said looking over at Neek.

They was in their hotel room.

"How? We not together. Plus we don't fuck no more. So I can do what I want. We not even together." Neek rolled her eyes at him.

Malik rub his facial hair and shook his head.

"You know from the jump, it was just a sex thing, so don't act like you didn't know."

"Well now I want more. If you can't give me what I want, I'm pretty sure someone else can." Neek told him.

Malik clenched his jaws hard.

"Why can't we just keep doing the sex thing? You know how my mom is, she won't approve of this." Malik said.

"Awwww see that's it. Your mother?" Neek laughed.

Neek knew all about how Malik mother was toward black people.

"Well there's nothing left to say. You do you and I do me. Since your mom going to determine who you be with. Hell my great great granddad was white. But it's cool. I get it, it's me, and the color of my skin. I'll get me another hotel room." Neek said standing up to leave the room.

"No Neek don't leave me, I love you." Malik was shock that he said that.

Neek stopped walking and turn around and face him.

"Apparently, not enough." She said and turn back around and walked out.


On the way back home it was quiet in the car. Neek had her headphones on, while Malik was on his phone. Not doing anything in particular. Jetta had very bad morning sickness so she was sleep.

While Brandon rub her stomach and drive. He hope she be okay. She woke up throwing up. Plus having bad stomach pains. He was a freaking out a little.

Jetta didn't want to go to the hospital, Brandon thought he would be a good idea, if she do go.

"School day tomorrow." Malik yawn.

"Hell yeah. I'm not looking forward to it." Brandon said.

"Me either. Plus I have a soccer game after school." Malik shook his head.

"I thought you quit." Brandon said, while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I tried but my mom told me if I don't go through with it, she won't get me into Howard University. " Malik said.

"How SHE going to do that?" Brandon wanted to know.

"Your guess is as good as mine, but hey, we sill see, when the time get here." Malik said.

"So what's going on with you and you know who? Y'all quiet. I thought y'all worked things out."

"I thought so too. But I told her about my mom."

"Damn. I still think you should tell your dad."

"Nah man, my dad would really snap on my mom. We don't need that." Malik said.

"Maybe that what she need. We can't even come to the house, without her giving Neek and Jetta looks. How the hell you sneak Neek in your house?"

"My dad." Malik laughed.

"Wow Mike is a mess. But seriously. You going to miss her when she gone out your life for good." Brandon said.

"Yeah I know, but I can't disobey my mom."

"You do it any other time." Brandon said.

Malik sighed , "yeah true, you right. I told Neek I Love Her too."

"Seriously? Wow." Brandon was shocked.

"Yeah, she still left me." Malik said sadly.

"You better fix it before it's to late." Brandon said.

"I will when the time is right." Malik said.

Neek shook her head. She was listen to their conversation the whole time. She think it's time she have a little talk with Karen, once and for all.

Do you guys think Malik is doing the right thing, by obeying his mother?

Poor Neek. 😔😔


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I know I probably bring up their race a lot, that's only because this my first time writing a book like this. It's new to me. I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far. Am I?


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