Chap. 30

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Jetta woke up from a wet spot in the bed. Did she just pee up? Then out of no where one of the boys kicked her. Jetta sat up in bed holding her stomach. She looked over at Brandon as he sleep. Should she say something? Another pain hit her.

"Ahh, Brandon wake up!" She yelled cradling her stomach.

Brandon looked over at her and turned back around and tried to go back to sleep.

"Brandon!" Jetta cried hitting Brandon arm.

Brandon jumped up.

"What? Everything okay?" He asked her in alarm.

"No, not at all. I think the babies are coming. My stomach is hurting so bad." Jetta stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"Wait, did your water broke?" Brandon asked her with concern as he turned away from the wet spot in the bed.

"I don't know. I need to shower, then we can go the hospital." Jetta said.

"What!? We need to get to the hospital now. I don't know how to deliver a baby!" Brandon was panicking while Jetta was so calm.

"Why are you so calm?" Brandon asked her.

"I don't really have any pain, just cramping really bad. Just get dressed, hurry." Jetta said now sweating.

Brandon hurried to put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. He knew they shouldn't have had sex last night. Jetta wouldn't stop bugging him for any. Now look what happen. She in labor. He put her in labor with his mean strokes. He smiled at that thought.

He walked in the bathroom and saw Jetta sitting in the tub holding her stomach.

"Jetta baby, are you okay?"

Jetta shook her head no. Tears was falling down her face.

"It hurts so bad." She said.

"Baby we have to get you to the hospital, can you walk?" Brandon asked her helping her out the tub.

"I-I think so." Jetta said and hold on to Brandon.

He helped her put on some clothes.

"Wait!" She yelled. Making Brandon jump.


"We don't have my overnight bag." She said.

"Oh yeah, you stay by the door and I'll go get it." Brandon rushed to the room to get her bag, and their phones.

"Call my mom, your parents, my brothers and Neek." Jetta said.

I bet you all wondering why she didn't said Malik name. Well he is still M.I.A. Even his mom and dad don't know where he disappeared too. He just packed his clothes and left is parents house without no one knowing.

"I'll do that on the way to the hospital. Let's go." Brandon said as he looked up their apartment.

Brandon and Jetta moved into their apartment a month ago, right after the baby shower.

When they arrive at the hospital, everybody wasn't there considering they live in Sumter, and Brandon and Jetta move to Florence.

Brandon wheeled Jetta to the labor and delivery building. Jetta was still cradling her stomach as her boys balled up in her stomach. She was doing the breathing exercises they learn in baby class.

"You're doing good baby." Brandon said. He was excited, he couldn't wait to meet his boys.

When the nurses saw him wheeling Jetta, they got a stretcher and placed Jetta on it. They put her room and had her change her clothes, to get ready for the C-section. They wasn't going to take the risk in doing a vaginal birth, due to Jetta babies was growing very fast.

They had Brandon put on scrubs to, to help with the delivery.

Two hours later Jetta gave birth to, Two baby boys. One with white skin and another with brown skin. Jetta was confused as ever along with Brandon. Brandon looked at the white skin baby, looking the baby in the eyes. He saw his eyes.

Jetta was move to a room in the labor and delivery building.

"Wait, something not right. My baby is white skin." Jetta said looking at her baby.

"I would like a DNA for this baby." Brandon said.

The nurses looked at them both with a confused look.

"Uhh sure. I'll be right back." She said and rushed out the room.

"Babe could this be my baby?" Brandon asked Jetta.

"I don't know." Jetta said truthfully.

Brandon stared at the baby as the baby looked at him. It brought tears to Brandon eyes, he might have a baby, after all.

The nurse came back and swab both baby B and Brandon mouth.

Neek and Vick came in with balloons and a cake.

"Heyy baby, congrats." Neek went to hug Jetta and then Brandon.

Neek looked at the babies and looked at Brandon.

"You the pappy." She said and laughed. "Well to one. I did research and it is possible to have twin babies but different fathers. I did my homework." Neek sat down by the window.

"Well thanks a lot Neek for the information." Jetta said and yawned.

The nurse came and told them the results would be back in two days.

"Damn yall already going to the Maury Show." Jetta laughed.

Brandon and Jetta just shook their head at her.

"How come yall here before everybody else?" Jetta asked Vick and Neek.

"Umm we was already in Florence." Neek said.

Jetta mouth dropped.

"What? When this happen?" Jetta looked between Neek and Vick.

"Nothing happen, we just spending time together, its nothing like that. Considering Malik." Neek shrugged.

The boys started to cry.

"I think they hungry." Brandon said.

"I don't know. Uhh can yall excuse us, I'm about to breastfeed." Jetta said to Neek and Vick.

They walked out.

"So what do you want to name them?" Brandon asked Jetta, since they haven't decided on names yet.

"Jonathan and BJ. I have a strong feeling that one of the babies yours." Jetta said as she cradle Jonathan in her arms and feed him, as Brandon hold BJ.

"I like that, and if they both be bad, we can say 'J&B sit on yall asses'" Brandon said and Jetta laughed.

"Yes baby. I love you." Jetta said.

Brandon smiled and walked over to her. He leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss, "I love you too babe. Thank you."



This book will be ending soon

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