Chapter 2

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Everything is bound to go wrong when fate is against you. The puzzle becomes more complicated with each passing second. There comes a particular time in life when death seems dearer than any other thing. But even death refuses to reach out when it is needed the most. Staying alive is the biggest punishment, it doesn't matter if you are at fault or not.

Before Kate married Alex and lived with her parents, Neil used to be her next-door neighbor. They'd been friends since their childhood days and grew up as best friends. After losing her parents in a car crash, Neil was the one who brought her out of the dark hole of despair. If it hadn't been for Neil supporting her throughout the trauma, grief, and depression of losing both parents at once, she didn't know where she would've been.

Neil was that one friend who never gave up on her.

Most of their other friends during school days always had ideas about them taking their friendship to a more intense level, but to Neil and Kate that was just silly. They were more like brothers and sisters. It was ironic how that same age-old, silly idea of romanticism between them now added to her husband's lack of faith, and had just managed to ruin her marriage.

With the flicker of hope that was still somehow lit within her, Kate took the photos and went to Neil's place. Just like after her parents had died, Kate believed Neil would be there for her during this crisis as well.

Maybe her relationship with Alex was never to be restored again. Maybe she would never be able to forgive him. However, this filthy accusation of being an unfaithful wife perhaps still could be revoked.

This sin was not hers; this shame was not hers and she hoped she would be able to prove it.

What she didn't know was that this cursed night was not done with her yet.

Outside the door, she slipped a hand between the small space between a flower tub and the wall and brought out the spare key to the door.

However, minutes later she stood like a lifeless statue in the doorway to Neil's study room. She could see Neil's back facing her—his shoulder-length hair tied up into a manly bun, an ear pierced, donning on a loose t-shirt and ripped jeans. She could hear his thundering laughter as he talked on the phone. His voice and words seemed alien to her ears.

"Yes, Ben. Well done!" The hint of a smile in his tone elevated. "I'm glad you have done everything perfectly. Kate must be in shock right now. And that Alex, he's been always so jealous of me."

As if it was unimaginably funny, Neil laughed throwing back his head, and then he said, "He must be burning right now, wondering how could I do all that, all that he had the right to," trailing off as probably the person on the other side was saying something, Neil paused for a second to nod though who was talking to couldn't see him. "That's true, I can do anything for her. Alex be damned, that guy always behaves like a possessive pest anyway. The photos were truly a brilliant idea!"

Kate stumbled back by the slap of betrayal. The cursed photos slipped down from her loosening hold. It was amusing how she still stood upright because there seemed to be no more strength left in her body.

How could she have never seen this before?

How could Neil stoop to this level, and for what?

Was it actually an enemy behind the mask she had been leaning on for support and friendship the whole time?

A shaky breath escaped her lips. Her wobbly steps backed off.

Kate staggered out on the streets after collecting her suitcase from the main doorway where she had kept it earlier. Her head throbbed from bewilderment and pain. It was unthinkable—the way her perfect, blissful life had changed its direction towards a path filled with nothing but destruction and misery only.

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